Chapter 39: Blood Tribulation (3)

   Soshyan returned to the bridge again. When he entered, Lothar was monitoring the effect of the Spark's defensive barrage, analyzing the green light from the surveillance screen and the observation station to strongly reflect his silver-white figure.

   "What did you find?"

   Soshyan asked when the other crew bowed to him.

"Before we cleaned up this meteorite area, the ornithology could not complete a full scan, but we just found its keel code, which is the New Faloth, a transport ship, belonging to the Ma\'Kande II. ."

   "The transport ship? Is it going to Ma\'Kande 2?"

   "From the trajectory of the movement, it does not seem to be. Although it has been moving slowly towards the planet, it is too slow for a cargo ship."

   Lothar played the signal they had just analyzed.

   A ghostly whisper then sounded on the bridge, which immediately aroused Soshyan's alertness.


   The signal has only these two words, and Soshyan has analyzed many possibilities from it. If analyzed according to the worst possible kind, then they will face the most deadly threat of the human empire.

   Ten thousand years ago, although the Horus Rebellion ended with the death of the renegade warlord, the legions that participated in the rebellion were not completely wiped out. A considerable number of rebels escaped into the eyes of fear in the center of the galaxy.

   The vast majority of them finally fell into the embrace of the Chaos Cthulhu, abandoning the loyalty and honor that was once Astarte, and fell into the darkness.

In the ten thousand years after the end of the Great Rebellion, they have been almost everywhere, in the depths of the boiling eye of fear, in the cloud-shrouded maelstrom, on the deserted planet of death and dark moons, in the impossibly dangerous fortress. Or in an uncertain fleet.

   They set out from these hidden lairs, and the bloodthirsty Chaos tribe launched an attack on the territory of the Emperor.

  As Astartes, they were once proud and mighty warriors. Faith is the armor that protects them, justice is the weapon in their hands, and they have a will that is far tougher than mortals.

   But once they fell, their changes were far more intense than ordinary people.

   Chaos interstellar warriors have become warriors of the hungry dark gods, hatred gnaws at their souls, selfishness is flooded with their thoughts.

   Apart from gaining more power and satisfying their personal ambitions, they have no other goals and ideals.

   They used to clean the entire galaxy with the sacred bomb gun and the flamethrower that purifies everything, but now, the chaotic interstellar warrior threatens everything the emperor has worked hard to build.

These rebellious warriors are the most disgusting but deadliest among the enemies of the empire. Chaos interstellar warriors no longer care about loyalty, reputation, sacrifice or responsibility. They sell their lives and souls to the Chaos Gods, through Abandon one's vows in exchange for powerful force.

   They tried their best to indulge and fall, hoping to have the opportunity to become immortal demons.

   But they are also the most feared enemies. Not only do they possess the superhuman physique and destructive weapons of interstellar warriors, but they also obtain mysterious weapons and equipment with magical power through contracts with the Chaos Gods.

  The abilities of these weapons and equipment are so mysterious and strange that even the Mechanical Gods cannot understand how they work.

   Chaos interstellar warriors also collude with the servants of the Chaos Gods. On the one hand, they use the energy of demons to perform witchcraft, and on the other hand, they directly summon demons to support them in combat.

   For ten thousand years, the rebellious Chaos Legion and small-scale war gangs have looted and destroyed countless planets belonging to the emperor.

The Tribunal spared no effort to erase the massacres and conquests they launched from the history books, so that no one would be deceived and thrown into the embrace of chaos. The loyal interstellar warriors fought bloody battles with them and tried to block them from the heights of mankind. Beyond the wall.

   And most of the people of the empire knew nothing about this long and fierce battle.

   Of course, this is the worst case, and it may be just ordinary chaos believers or pirates, but Soshyan's fighting principle is to calculate the worst case first.

   "Are there traces of other warships or fleets nearby."

   "There is no trace of any other ships, but a sword-class frigate moored at the orbital defense station."

   "Sword level?"

   Soshyang seems to have caught something, a flash of aura.

   "You said, their target...could it be that frigate."

   "Then how did they break through the interception firepower of the defensive station?"

   Soshyang's finger tapped on the guardrail.

   "You just said that this transport ship belongs to Ma\'Kande II, right."

"Yes it is."

   "Will there be such a possibility, or suppose..."

   Soshyang raised his head and looked at the three-dimensional image of the ship on the camera. After thinking for a moment, Soshyang said:

"Suppose we want to land on a defensive orbit, but want to avoid the violent interception fire, what can we do? For example, get a transport ship, and then pretend to be a malfunction or accident, attract the rescue ship from the rail station to arrive, and then Grab the rescue boat and use the rescue boat's safety identification code to avoid interception."

   Lothar was stunned for a while.

   "It seems... feasible."

   "Then follow this plan. Once you land on the orbital station, you will have to face the attack of the garrison troops. The mechanical teaching force on the ground will quickly react. It is not so easy to leave."

   "Unless you f**cked up the next battleship."

   "Then that's right."

   Soshyang clapped his hands lightly.

   "Their target is the sword-class frigate."

   "Then how do we respond now? The invasion should have occurred for more than 20 minutes, and the opponent has most likely captured the frigate and is ready to leave."

   Lothar didn't finish speaking, but Soshyan had already heard what the other party meant.

Before the Sword-class frigate leaves the galaxy, focus its firepower to destroy it .This is not difficult for the Spark. According to its most basic level, the Spark is also a powerful pioneer-class ship. Cruiser, and as many centuries passed, the original design was reconstructed and expanded.

  New engine module, plasma circulation system, three layers of fine gold bulkheads-its capabilities are far more powerful than cruisers used by the Navy.

   No matter what the traitors possess, in this galaxy, they cannot conceal the huge firepower that can threaten the Spark.

   Then, their only frigate is naturally like a turtle in an urn.

   "How is the communication at the orbital station? Can you lock the distress signal?"

   "Not yet."

   Lothar shook his head and replied:

"Once we reach the highest orbit, there will be a better chance to get in touch. Local records list that the distress signal was transmitted at a small signal station that was marked. We cannot find out whether the garrison is still resisting, or the signal is just playing in a loop. "

   "Then we will tackle the transport ship first. Now is the time when its defense is most empty."

   "And that also makes it a perfect trap. We know that those traitors are happy to lay all kinds of traps. They will lure to death with targets that are not vigilant or overconfident, or worse."

   "Take down that trap and they will have nothing to threaten us."

   "Then we can also beat it to debris from a long distance."

   Lothar is always reluctant to put Soshyan in danger, but he overlooked a problem.

   "We need to understand the enemy through it, and the materials on it cannot be wasted."

   Soshyang shook his head.

   "And I bet these traitors never expected us to come, and they won't live to escape the orbital station."