The darkness of the heart

the darkness and anguish,

is all you know.

it's like when my heart broke

thee other was filled with darkness,

and yet you chose the wrong path.

my heart chose you.

but ended up making a mistake

it's like my fate was twisted.

I've always saw the darkest side in you,

it's like everything is black and not White,

like a curse.

forever your heart will be filled with anguish... and hatred....

for the ones you love are gone forever.

a rose will always have thorn's.

whenever you try to touch it,

you'll always get hurt.

it's like the moon and the stars are not on your favour.

emotions can be your biggest enemy because, when you feel you always get hurted by the ones you love.

the heartbeat is too fast and yet...

life is too slow to get what you want.