
happy days turn into sad ones. sad days turn into bad ones. and bad days turn into painful ones.

things starting to change. like the weather as months pass.

hotness to coldness.

summer to winter. happiness to sadness.

unlonelinss to loneliness..

smile to tears.

white eyes to red eyes.

why can't I freaze this feeling. freaze these days.

freaze this pain.

that makes my heart ache.

ache till drowning.

drowning on a pool.

where I need a tool.

that helps people to feel free.

but I just can't flee.

flee away from the sadness. from the dark pain inside.

that floats like a sea. that cannot be seen.

by the one whom you want near.

but is always rear. like you lost contact and touch.

all I need is peace. like the amazing kiss.

that can make me heal. but it something that is hard to get. trying harder to find happiness. but it feels like it's to far to catch it. but victory isn't promised. just like love and affection. which is far away.

from the bitter pain the world caused.

and remove the bitter memories. and make them all sweet.

the warmth of love and affection. might feel like a curse of sadness and loneliness. which cannot be removed.

like a game of catch the mouse. but the cat can't find the bait.

which will show victory. that in a battle everything ends well.

and you want it near. but will you ever get it.