a chance

I gave him a chance and yet he broke my heart

I gave him my neck and yet he made me choke

I gave him my lips and yet he made me smoke

I gave him my love and he chose to poke my anger

I don't have a shoulder to cry on 

but only have tears to dry all over me

I make my body clean but the heart is dirty

and yet I thought I had love when I was flirty

thirsty for bands, love and romance 

But your materials don't make the heart dance

I thought we had a chance

but life created another circumstance

oh life oh life why must I be this confused

why must you sting me like a bee

why must you taste like lemon

you're sweet like honey but sour like pain

pain that never ends like everlasting rain 

I thought I had another chance to love again

and yet you killed the happy dove again

yet I scream my lungs out saying you have a chance again

over and over the sour truth hurts my heart 

it deepens my wounds till tears flow again

my life was lovely like pears 

yet fears follow me like a shadow

torn apart like a glass

black like burned grass

voices causing confusion and pain

what about what the heart wants

thought I needed a meds to heal 

but all I need is joy to feel

why does every chance feel like my soul breaks

yet they say love is tressure, but I feel pain

needed gesture to understand the heart

all i did is to trust the weak flesh 

yet the spirit warned me to run

cause what is love when they always feed you suffocation

I thought I had a chance to feel love again

but what is love when you lose yourself again

then you call booze happiness

yet you run away from sadness

cause no one said love from a man makes you happy

joy! joy! I miss feeling your gentleness 

but my soul cries for peace and empathy