"Listen here you three!" Lorna jammed into the hostel room of her three brothers , who were in the middle of discussing what has been happening.
"Lorna , good you are here" Hunkins interupted his sister. "You won't believe what i saw today, there was this girl flying on the air"
"What!!!" Please dont tell me you know something on that dead girl at the gardens"
"We do, know a few details, will found out more very soon" John said confidently.
"Meshack , please tell me you are not a part to this?" Lorna said worriedly looking at meshack.
" come on lorna am sure you can smell the rat too"Meshack said jokingly.
"It seems you three muskerteers have already made your minds up!so listen; you made my highschool and kindergarten life horrible with your curiousity to know things that were clearly dangerous, and am not going to let you three boys ruin my campus life. So we are going to make a pact; from hence now i am not your sister nor am i related to you three"Lorna said firmly.
The boys broke into a loud laughter, that clearly annoyed Lorna, who did not even move her lips to smile.The three always got her into trouble ever since they started schooling and she definately needed to have her break at campus.
" you are serious?"John said after they had stopped their laughter.
"Do i look as if am joking?" Lorna answered back to him.
"Okay, but our first pact remains, always be there for each other." Hunkins added.
"Yeah" Lorna nodded, as she removed a knife from her bag,clearly she had gotten herself ready for this , she held it high before cutting her hand slightly to let some blood come out , she gave the knife to Meshack who after doing the same passed the knife to Hunkins and John. They then greeted each other, before forming a diamond like shape with the bleeding hands.
"It is so!" They all said at the same time.This was the culture they had been taught home ,anytime they wanted to make a pact.
"Now , come here for one last hug" Lorna said as they drew close together and had a group hug. "i will definately not miss you" she finally said before twerking her way out.
There orientations had begun , as soon as the tour were called off after what happened.They were so many, but they were able to fit in the biggest social hall in the world , it was so big that one could not clearly see its end but with the use of the PA systems communications was effective.
The speaker of the day begun his introduction as he said a bit of the history of HummimgHeart university, before finally welcoming the Vice Chancelor of the university Mr Caleb Dirak. Later room for questions was opened.
"My name is Derrick Misati and i have a few questions to you .What's the theory behind dissapearing of students every year? Should we be concerned as the new students of this school, and one last question what exactly happened to the lady who was found dead at the gardens?" A boy in glasses asked confidently, the board who were there gave each other strange looks before the vice chancelor took over as the students started whispering.
"Thats a good question , young man but i asure you all, this school is safe and no need to any alarm. Investigations are still underway on what happened, and it shall be published in the school magazine, which i would advice our confident boy here Mr Derrick to sign up for it." Mr caleb said before walking out , one of the boys who sat at the front stood and snapped his finger.Which stopped movement of everything in the room.
"Hunkins is it just me or has everyone froze in this entire room, " John looked around noticing that even the people who were at the front table had froze except the boy who snapped his finger and three other boys. Some students as well had not froze like the rest and mummering was heard allover the room .
"Hush now, freshers. Welcome to our orientation, magical students" The second boy who was sitted ahead said and with a wave of his hand all the magical students found themselves in a separate room.
"I know you all have a million questions right now, but they shall all be answered , my name is Mark Dirak,"He said looking in the directions of the other three boys next to him.who introduced themselves.
"Melaik Dirak"
"Mike Dirak"
"Manak Dirak" the boy who had froze everyone in the social hall , introduced himself last as he took over.
"You are here because you have all have a special gift which you will discover more in the magic school of Hummingheart which is here, you shall have your tours with the assistance of tour guides from the students of the magical school, Now where is that boy, with questions, Derrick was it?
The students looked around but he was not there.
" How unfortunate i thought he was one of the special students. Now here is the paper where everyone one of you is supposed to call out your name, and we shall start with you , whats your name pretty" Mark said reffering to Lorna. Who was at the frontline.
"Lorna, , , " she said.
"The other name" Mark continued. As the name magically wrote itself on the paper.
"Lorna charms" she said after thinking fast, she didn't use her family name not to be recognised with her brothers.
"Good, everyone shall say there names and they shall appear on the paper, immediately after that you shall get your booklet of rules that you must follow, and be very keen on rule number 1. Never tell anyone you have magical powers." Mike continued.
"What happenes if i do?" Hunkins asked.
"You dont want to know! Simply follow the rules."Mike answered clearly indicating he didn't like to be asked questions.
"And can we fly as well like the lady i saw flying on the gardens?" Hunkins continued.
The four looked at each other curiously, and whispered to themselves.
"Manak , you need to get yourgirlfriend in check." Mike said to Manak who responded with a nod but annoyed.
"Okay you shall find all the questions you are asking on the booklet and we shall continue come the next day," Mike said and the students were returned back to the social hall with a wave after all of them had there names recorded . With a snap from Manak the other students were unfrozen.
"We have come to the end of our orieantions" the speaker who was the Mc released the students.