It was tough for anyone In Hummingheart, especially for those who were not of the royal family and so they had nothing to eat. So the men went to the only thing that could make them survive, dark magic. Led by Caleb many men went after him to help them get food on their tables. This was disrupting the balance in all the realms. It resulted in the human realm facing challenges and so the same happened in Hummingheart, the men loved the dark magic.
Caleb went to the human realm and offered services to them at a price, he began his work with the most prominent people, giving them the ability to take down their opponents. The men in the human realm got into all kinds of sorts of blood covenants with dark magic giving them supernatural abilities. This is how Caleb made so much money, when the other men in Hummingheart had been taught of this and how to make as much money as he made.