Chapter 3: Bloody music

"Richemont! What's wrong with you!?" At this moment, Mu Qi's voice suddenly came from behind, seeing Richemont covered with blood, Mu Qi was originally very anxious, but was shocked at this time. Behind Mu Qi, there is a beautiful girl, but it is Li Xiaojie who has been rumored with Mu Qi.

Seeing Mu Qi chasing him because he was worried, Richemont felt warm in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said, "There is no time to explain. In short, you two will follow me up to the top of the building. Something that will endanger everyone's life will happen later. !"

Then he rushed into the small supermarket in the dormitory building, leaving his wallet with a few hundred dollars still in the cash register, and said, "Quickly, everyone get some food, and come with me immediately!"

After filling the bag, Richemont immediately rushed out again, not forgetting to look anxiously at the time on his personal communicator.

Liu Yang and Mu Qi looked at each other, and said with a trembling voice to Mu Qi: "Mu Qi, Brother Feng was crazy just now and he killed Wang Wei with an axe. He was in our dormitory. What should I do?"

"What!?" Mu Qi couldn't help but exclaimed, then he frowned, gritted his teeth and said: "Richard doesn't look like that kind of crazy person. He just said something inexplicable... Forget it, no matter what, brother. , Watch after him first."

Liu Yang paled and nodded. Like Mu Qi, he hurriedly filled some food, took Li Xiaojie, and rushed out behind Richemont.

Richemont's head was covered with blood, and he was carrying a nail gun and a blood-stained axe in his hand. It looked terrifying. All the students who saw them along the way gave way in horror. road.

Just four or five minutes after they left, a scream came from their dormitory, and Wang Wei's body had been found!

"Hey!" With a loud noise, the lock on the iron door leading to the top of the building was directly split by Richemont with an axe. Then they all climbed to the top of the building and sat on the ground and gasped for breath.

He looked down at the time, there were five minutes left...

At the same time, the sound of the police siren remembered downstairs. It was obvious that the killing of Wang Wei had attracted the police.

Hearing the sound of the police siren, Mu Qi and Liu Yang couldn't help but become anxious. Mu Qi said anxiously towards Richemont, "What should you do about Richemont? Go and surrender, don't resist, now the death penalty has been cancelled. It's better to die than to live... and Wang Wei deserves to die, you are a legitimate defense." He was not there before, so the reason why Richemont killed Wang Wei to death was only speculation.

Richemont smiled slightly and said indifferently: "Don't worry, just wait a few more minutes. I know you must not believe what I said, but in a few minutes you will be able to prove whether I am right or wrong. If I am wrong, I will surrender immediately."

Although Richemont was smiling on his face, his heart was sad. Instead, he now prefers that his premonition is wrong, preferring to go to jail, rather than entering the hell-like chaos.

However, his instinct told him that everything is true...

The reason why Wang Wei was killed on the spot was not just because Richemont was very aggressive. In addition to time constraints and extraordinary methods, the police below were also Richemont's targets. I believe that when wars and biochemical viruses appear, the police will not care about him. But he cares about the guns of these policemen! In the doomsday, with a gun, the chance of survival can definitely be increased several times.

At this moment, a girl suddenly ran in. It turned out to be the monitor Yang Yan. After seeing Richemont and them, Yang Yan immediately said angrily: "Richemont, what's the matter with you? How to put out the fire in Building 3 The system is turned on? Now all the people in class have been drenched, and my computer has been burned!" Apparently she rushed in all the way and didn't know that Richemont had killed Wang Wei.

Richemont looked at her blankly, not wanting to explain at all.

"Richard, you..." Yang Yan pointed at him so angry that she couldn't speak.

Richemont checked the time again, there were three minutes left. Then he took out a finger-sized spherical metal particle from his pocket, and stared at the metal particle in thought. Speaking of it, he has always suspected that this is the key to his premonition. Just last night, when Richemont was running in the playground, this thing fell directly from the sky, smashing a big hole in front of him, and then it was picked up by Richemont.

Then, all this weird happened today... and now, the metal ball seems to be shaking rapidly, as if something is about to wake up... Suddenly, the metal ball turned into a pool of silver liquid. I glanced at the thing, and then there was a tingling pain in his hand, this thing was under Richemont's eyelids, melted into his right hand, and disappeared!

"The big trial is launched, the core of the colony is activated, and the gene is being identified... the fifth generation of humans, the generation of the big inheritance, the tear gene, the prophet gene, meet the requirements of the colony, the search for armor... no armor within the search radius... Reproduction and standby..."

Seeing this weird scene, and hearing those inexplicable voices, Richemont couldn't help but grow up his mouth, and immediately shook his hand vigorously, but it didn't work at all. Looking again, there was no trace at all, making him doubt this. Is everything an illusion?

"Listen to the people above, don't be stubborn. You are already surrounded. Put down your weapons, release the hostages, and come out. This is your only choice! Resistance is useless! Repeat, the people above Listen, don't be stubborn. You are already surrounded. Put down your weapons and release the hostages..." The voice of the police came from downstairs. Richemont was sure that there must be a policeman with a gun playing climbing stairs and approaching him. Pounced.

He frowned and stopped paying attention to the metal ball. After all, it didn't cause any discomfort for a while, and it's never too late to talk about it later. He stood up suddenly, walked to the iron door leading to the attic, picked up a piece of iron wire on the ground, and firmly tied the iron gate to the wall. Unless it takes time to untie the wire, it is difficult to open it.

Mu Qi and Liu Yang looked at Richemont vigilantly, as if looking at a neuropathy. While they were worried about the dangers of the summit, they were also wary of any excessive actions by Richemont. What happened to Richemont today made them feel that the Richemont in front of them seemed to have changed a lot.

There is one minute left.

"Richemont, what do you want to do, why lock the door..." Yang Yan suddenly closed her mouth before she finished speaking.

"Release the hostages, put down the military..." The voice of the police below stopped abruptly.

"Hiss-hiss-" The sound of cutting through the air came from the sky. At first it was a little slight, but then gradually became louder. Almost everyone looked up towards the eastern sky, and saw almost three or four hundred white streamlined cylinders with light blue tails flying towards this side.

At the same time, in the upper atmosphere, countless bright spots appeared in the sky, rolling in with a long tail, and even casting gradually enlarged shadows on the ground.

"So there's that thing..." Richemont said to himself, staring at the bright spots in the atmosphere. Originally, he saw only missiles in his hunch, but he didn't expect there to be other things.

"Wh...what!?" Yang Yan tremblingly looked at the bright spots in the sky, and said.

"Meteorite, it's a meteorite! There are missiles! Oh my god... my god!" Liu Yang shouted in horror, and indirectly answered Yang Yan's question.

"Richemont, what you're saying is true!? The Britanians are really at war against us!?" Mu Qi looked at Richemont with an incredible expression. They are all half military fans, so they also have some understanding of the active weapons of various countries. The missile that comes at a rapid speed is the "Scepter-3" intercontinental missile of the Britanians!

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving here!" Yang Yan suddenly yelled frantically and rushed to the door, desperately tore the wire on it, but couldn't move at all.

Richemont watched Yang Yan's behavior coldly, but did not stop it. The current situation is completely different from the premonition. He has taken the initiative and at least has weapons. As long as he survives the first wave of explosions, there is hope of survival.

When it comes to hundreds of missiles, two of the missile clusters are separated and headed straight to the school. Immediately, all the students on campus screamed in horror and began to run away!

The target of one of the missiles is the No. 3 teaching building where Richemont was in class just now!

"Boom!" After a loud noise, a small mushroom cloud lifted up from the middle of the No. 3 teaching building. One side of this teaching building was directly blown down, and the remaining half was also swaying and precarious.

Another missile landed in the school's artificial lake, blowing up a jet of water. The flames of the explosion instantly burned dozens of people to ashes, while the flying shrapnel and debris killed hundreds on the spot. , The powerful shock wave directly shattered the windows of the surrounding teaching buildings, and even the dormitory building where Richemont was located was a little shaken.



"Run away!"

"These **** Britanians!"

For a while, the originally peaceful campus became noisy in an instant, with screams and shouts again and again, and two thick plumes of smoke rose into the air, dancing fiercely. In the city in the distance, explosions and screams came and went one after another.

The two missiles had just fallen, and the meteorite group in the sky reached the sky above the city again, and slammed into the city with the speed and destructive power of the thunderous. A teaching building was directly pierced by a huge meteorite, and then the whole building collapsed. All the teachers and students who had not had time to escape inside were buried in it!

Some people who were affected by the flames of the explosion screamed and ran full of flames, and were eventually burned into a bunch of coke.

The smell of blood and burnt smell permeated the air...

"This...what happened!? How could this happen?" Liu Yang yelled, pulling his hair in pain.

"Richemont, what you said... is true?" Mu Qi asked with a similar look of shock and stunned: "Then should we leave here now? The missile attack and the meteorite have passed..."

"No." Richemont took a deep look at them and said: "Now, only here is the safest thing. Go pick up those steel pipes. In a few seconds, the real disaster will begin."

Mu Qi and Liu Yang looked at each other. What happened just now convinced them of Richemont's words. At this moment, they immediately ran to pick up the steel pipe and looked anxiously at the howling crowd below.

At this moment, Yang Yan suddenly pointed to somewhere on the campus and screamed in horror: "Ah-they...what are they doing!"

Several people followed her gaze and immediately saw that more than a dozen people who had been injured or even died were all awake at this time, and dragged their broken bodies on a boy, biting him. The flesh on the body!

The muscles with the light yellow fat layer were torn off in the screams of the boys, and even the splashing blood was sucked up by the hungry zombies. Against the chaotic background, it looked strange!