Chapter 6: Test body

Just when the transparent potion was injected into Richemont's body, the reproductive core that had been silent for a long time finally sent a new message: low-level biological transformation cluster injection, analysis model of the tyrant, began to carry out the host body's second strengthening transformation.

Afterwards, the T virus in this medicine quickly penetrated into Richemont's right arm like a group of insects! Richemont finally felt that his already cold and stiff body began to become soft, a sense of strength that had never been seen before, beginning to fill his whole body!

"Oh, it is worthy of the T virus, it can be directly integrated into the corpse..." Director Na Li also obviously felt that the medicine was rapidly infiltrating Richemont's body, although the medicine did not spread all over the body because the blood was no longer flowing. But this is only a matter of time.

"Boom..." Suddenly, a muffled sound came, although it was low, but very clear, and everyone present could not help but be taken aback.

"What is this sound?" Director Na Lian asked the assistant next to him.

"I don't know, it sounds like..." A male assistant next to him looked at Richemont's icy corpse, obviously hesitant, and said hesitantly: " a heartbeat..."

"Heartbeat!?" The director immediately understood what was going on, frowned and looked at Richemont's corpse, then smiled: "How is it possible that this corpse has no signs of life, and even if it is caused by T virus The zombies have been transformed, and there is no danger, they have been locked firmly."

At this moment, the sudden change came out, and the female assistant who was staring at Richemont doing data recording suddenly let out a scream: "His pupils... are shrinking..."

This sentence was not finished yet, Richemont, who was originally lying on the test bed, suddenly seemed to be equipped with a spring, and suddenly sat up, struggling with all his limbs, and pulled the leather buckle lock beside him! Then he grabbed the female assistant's neck, and only heard a soft "click", the female assistant's neck had been crushed!

Immediately afterwards, Richemont leaped up suddenly, holding two scalpels in his hands, and swiping them to the sides, and immediately heard two "pupu" sounds. The main arteries of the other two male assistants had been cut off instantly by him. Dao's bright red blood fountain gushes out instantly and crosses down in the sky!

The rabbits rose and fell. The whole process took only a few seconds. Richemont had killed three people in a row, and only the director of the company was left.

Power, he felt like endless power, which was constantly pouring out of his body. Now his power is at least seven or eight times larger than before, so he can easily crush the neck bones. Obviously, this is what the core of the reproductive outfit is talking about primary reinforcement.

He raised his right arm, only to realize that this arm had turned into an abnormal purple-black color at this time, but there was no discomfort. On the contrary, it was much stronger than the left arm. Obviously, due to unknown reasons, the T virus injection not only did not make him a zombie, but gave him some physical reinforcement...

At this time, the director company was still staring at what was happening in front of him, and did not react. When Richemont pinched his neck, the man trembled and understood.

The boy in front of him has been pretending to be dead!

"It's impossible... How did you fool me... You are obviously dead..." Director Lian's face paled, and only some meaningless words remained in his mouth.

"Papa!" With two crisp noises, Richemont had already shaken the two big mouths of the company director, and then asked with a cold face, "What is this place? If you don't want to die, be honest." The dead body for a few hours, at this time he has been suffocated to the extreme. What's more, the pain suffered by the so-called body modification just now is really an inhuman feeling. What really made him angry was everything he saw after entering this so-called base.

This is also the reason why he can kill the three assistants without hesitation. Those guys who use humans as live experiments can no longer be called humans. Even if they die, they are just damned!

"Young man, this is all a misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding. I thought you were already dead. Since you are not dead, then you can leave! I guarantee that no one will embarrass you!" Even the director is obviously very smart, immediately Said with a smile on his face. It was just because of fear that his muscles had become stiff, making it uglier to laugh than to cry.

"Don't tell me? It's just what I want, I didn't intend to make you comfortable." Seeing that the director company was extremely frightened, but he didn't answer the question at all. Richemont smiled sensibly, playing with the scalpel in his hand, facing the opponent Stabbed on the body.

"Ah—" With a scream, Richemont had shaved off a finger-thin, thirty or forty-centimeter meat strip on the arm of the company director!

"I said, I said! Here, this is the Gangcheng Biotechnology Research Institute in the ninth place of the Red Star Republic..."

"This is still Steel City!?" Richemont couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then asked: "What is the ninth place? To elaborate..." His hand stroked again, and another strip of meat was already torn off!

"Ah—" Director Na Li obviously didn't expect that the young man in front of him was cruel and screamed, and quickly replied: "The ninth department belongs to the government secret department. It is officially called the ninth special operations department. Its powers... detailed powers I don't know, I'm just the person in charge of the Gangcheng Institute of Biology!" The big beads of sweat dripped from Director Lien's forehead, and his body was twitching. He had never thought of it. When Tian dissected human self, one day he would be torn apart one by one!

"Why do you want to conduct a live test?" Richemont has basically understood what is going on. Obviously, in this chaotic situation, some people have used their powers to secretly make some shameful deeds... …

"The in vivo test... is the order of Mr. Wu Qiang. He is the deputy director of the ninth department... Moreover, the existing medical methods simply cannot resist the emerging T virus. New drugs must be found as soon as possible. This... this It's also for humans... At this very juncture, you must sacrifice the ego to become the greater ego..." After the director of the company arrived, he became more and more energetic, with a straightforward expression, as if he were a hero.

Seeing the face of this man, Richemont couldn't help but feel a deep disgust from the bottom of his heart. What he hates most is this kind of guy who is so selfish and dirty in his heart, but with a high-sounding mouth!

"Hey..." Richemont tore a muscle directly from the company director's arm! On the rolled muscles, there is still a light yellow subcutaneous fat attached, which looks very strange. He screamed fiercely at Director Lian who was screaming: "Don't think I haven't seen it. Do you need a vivisection to study T virus antibodies? Does it need to peel off human skin? Does it need to remove the human brain! , What are you doing!?"

"Ah-I said, I said! It is human body strengthening, human body strengthening and transformation! This project involves genetic engineering, especially delaying human aging and extending life span. It has been going on for several years. We just want to take advantage of this time. Resident Evil broke out, grab more living organisms as experimental materials... This research project has been supported by the leaders of various government departments and the military. If you leave here, I can guarantee that you are okay, otherwise, you know how old you will be. Is the power an enemy!?"

"Huh!?" Hearing this, Richemont couldn't help but snorted. Originally, he still had a little hope for the government in the last days. Now it seems that everything depends on himself!

Suddenly, a stern sirens sounded, and then the door of the dissection room was suddenly opened. A group of guards with guns and live ammunition rushed in. In the end, a dozen people in black in black combat uniforms came in!

Director Na Lian showed a smile holding the winning ticket, and said loudly, "Boy, this base has a regular detection system. As long as I don't send out the signal on time, I will be spotted. You should surrender! I promise to keep you alive, how about ?"

At this moment, a metal wall in front suddenly slid to both sides, revealing a holographic screen. The image of a thin old man in a white coat slowly appeared. The old man's triangular face and triangular eyes revealed a pattern in his eyes. This kind of cruel feeling does not look like a good stubble.

The moment he saw the old man, the director even seemed to see some terrifying monster, his whole body trembling, his body was sweating more than when Richemont tore him, and he tremblingly shouted: "Wu...Mr. Wu... …"

Obviously, this old man is Wu Qiang, the chief of the ninth branch of the so-called Red Star Republic!

Wu Qiang smiled kindly, as if he hadn't seen Richemont and the three corpses on the ground, and said to Director Lien, "Lao Lian, how is the third project going?"

"Mr. Wu, Project No. 3... Although it did not meet expectations,... But some results have been achieved in the area of ​​T virus antibodies... After all... After all, the time is too short..." Director Lian paled with fright, intermittently. Said, as if the old man in front of him was a terrifying zombie, he would tear his body at any time.

"It doesn't matter, Haijing Base has made breakthrough progress, and the steel city has completely fallen, there is no need to keep the test data, you can take a good rest." Wu Qiang said with a smile, and then took out a small remote control. The same thing, above it is a row of buttons, as if they are also marked with names.

"Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, I have really tried my best, and I have completed 90% of the living body transformation you requested! It has greatly exceeded expectations! Please give me another chance!" See At the moment of the remote control, Director Lian seemed to be crazy, desperately twisting his body in Richemont's hand and shouting.

"It's fine if you know it. It is because of the 90% transformation rate that I can't wait to see a perfect performance..." Wu Qiangsen smiled, as if thinking of something made him impatient to play with things, "You Well done, so I will reward you with a beautiful death..."

Just after finishing the last word, Wu Qiang suddenly pressed a button on the remote control in his hand, and then heard a muffled sound, even the director's body was like a balloon filled with blood plasma, instantly exploded into a piece of blood fog!