Chapter 14: Skinner

This strange skinned zombie actually uses his skin as a weapon for battle!

This trick was overwhelming. Richemont's long knife was pulled off his hand directly by his skin, and the skin on the remaining limbs of the skinned zombie was wrapped around Richemont's body like a whip, and his All his limbs are wrapped, making it difficult for him to move!

The teeth of the skinning zombie slammed into Riche's neck with barbs, and he immediately felt that his blood began to pour into the mouth of the skinning zombie!

"Ah—" Richemont's ferocity in his heart was stimulated again, and instead of trying to break free of his arms, he turned his head and bit on the bare head of the skin-skinned zombie, the masseter muscles of both cheeks like balloons. Swelling up, the teeth make a "click" sound.

If you want to eat me, you must be mentally prepared to be eaten by me!

What zombies, what humans, but they are all higher-level animals, survival is nothing but the predation of the weak among animals!

At this unprecedented moment of crisis, Richemont suddenly had a glimmer of comprehension in his heart.

"Ah—" At the moment of life and death, Richemont's muscles bulged up at the same time, making him a muscular man in an instant, delaying the penetration of the skin-skinned zombie's teeth. At the same time, he only heard the sound of "boom", Richemont His right arm had broken the other person's skin, and from bottom to top, he slammed his fist on his chin.

The power of this angry punch, coupled with the strength of Richemont's masseter muscles, instantly made his teeth cut into the skull of this skin-skinned zombie. With a soft "click", he had bitten off the opponent's skull and gnawed away. Blood red brains inside! Squeezed by the pressure, some of these brains flowed directly into Richemont's throat.

"Woo..." The brain was instantly destroyed. The skinned zombie let out a meaningless whimper, fell softly, wrapped Richemont's limbs and skin, and slowly relaxed, completely dead.

"Huh...huh..." Riche Feng panted heavily, pulled the broken body of the skinned zombie off his body, threw it aside, and then sat down on the ground and began to look carefully at the body of the skinned zombie.

This is another kind of mutated zombie! Although his power is not as great as that of the drummer, the human skin is extremely hard, as if it were a living thing.

Subsequent inspection also confirmed Richemont's thoughts. These skins are really something similar to muscles. Even if the skinned zombie is completely dead, these skins are still trembling, like a python...

Moreover, what surprised him even more was that the skin cords on this skinned zombie's arm were not just his own skin. Many were obviously peeled off from humans and then connected to his own skin. Some of the skins that were later attached had various tattoos, but they were also active and assimilated with the original skin.

Richemont tore all the skin rolls on the limbs of the skinned zombies, only to discover that the length of the skin rolls had reached three meters! This is also the reason why the skinning zombies entangled him tightly just now.

Throwing the corpse of the skin-skinned zombie aside, Richemont found a towel and began to wipe the blood on his neck. The bite force of this skinned zombie was stronger than that of ordinary zombie, and Richemont's neck was almost gnawed down by one third. Fortunately, not much blood flowed out. This can be said to be the heaviest injury he has ever suffered. If he is not immune to the T virus, it is estimated that he has become a mad zombie.

What surprised him was that after the towel was wiped on, the huge wound that was supposed to exist did not exist. What was left was only a shallow laceration scar, and the laceration scar seemed to shrink inward. !

Only the large amount of dirty blood stuck to his neck reminded him that he had suffered serious injuries...

What's the matter with this weird resilience! ? Although he was a little bit strange about what happened to him, Richemont was still a little surprised. You know, he was also slightly injured in the fight with that drummer, and he has never recovered, but now he seems to be equally well.

Could it be because you just swallowed the brains of this skinned zombie? Richemont frowned and thought for a moment, and there was only one explanation. It seems that the brains of this skinned zombie has once again made his body evolved slightly...

After solving this skinned zombie, you should be able to get the same-source energy fluctuation items from the crater smoothly... Riche thought, stood up and prepared to walk to the crater in front.

It's just that he hasn't taken a step yet, but he was startled to sweat by something that he saw from the corner of his eye.

At the moment, he seemed to see that somewhere in this huge dusty crater, there was a human-shaped protrusion. This protrusion was like a mound of dirt, integrated with the surrounding environment, but just now But it shook slightly, as if some living creature crawled slightly.

Richemont immediately observed the situation in this big pit and found that there were twenty or thirty such human-shaped mounds, and every human-shaped mound had two small gaps in the head. Looking out, in this gap, there are actually a pair of blood-red eyes, shining with spite, resentment, greed, and fear, looking at Richemont...

These humanoid mounds are actually skinned zombies hidden there!

This crater is their nest!

How could there be so many!

Moreover, Richemont also gradually discovered that the closer to the center of the crater, the larger the skinned zombies hidden inside, and obviously more powerful. The one who attacked Richemont just now and was killed by him was only a skinned zombie on the periphery. And in this crater, there are still many corpses whose skin has been stripped. Needless to say, their skins have been assimilated by these skinners...

No wonder on the way I came, I saw a lot of zombies without skin. They looked so smooth and weird, and they were all forced to walk here. It turns out that their skins were stripped by these skinned zombies...

Thinking of these monsters stripping the skin of other zombies, Richemont couldn't help but feel cold all over, and instantly felt that his whole body was aching.

The skinned zombies in this crater stared at Richemont, but did not step forward. I don't know if it was because Richemont killed one of their kind just now, or because of their habits.

However, Richemont knew that although these skinned zombies could not come out of the crater, as long as they stepped into the crater, they would inevitably be attacked by groups of these skinned zombies!

At that time, even if he had ten lives, he would not be enough for these skinned zombies, and even the final fate would be that he was strangled to death, and then the skin of his whole body was peeled off to become a weapon for some skinned zombies.

For the first time, he has never been eager for firearms like he does now, and what he desires more is the awakening of bronze, or in other words, what he desires most is power!

In this case, if you have a sniper rifle, or even an ordinary rifle, it is enough to kill all these skinned zombies.

Phew... It seems that you still can't be impatient... Richeone breathed a sigh of relief, slowly retreating from the location of the skinned corpse. During this period, he has been watching closely the movement of the skinned zombies in the crater. It wasn't until he was 50 meters away from the crater that Richemont breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and took out the book, took another look like that crater, and wrote on the second page with his wet blood. Road:

Skinners, speed-type mutant zombies, extremely flexible, using skin ropes as weapons, like to collect and swallow the skins of other zombies and humans.

Finally, he thought for a while, and added two characters at the end of this introduction: gregariousness.

After writing the introduction of the skinners, seeing that they showed no signs of active attack, Richemont simply found a nearby citizen to live in. It's not realistic to find a gun now, so let's just stay here and think of a way.

Moreover, he really wants to take a good bath and sleep comfortably. Now this is covered with blood, although it acts as a protective layer, it still makes him very uncomfortable.

The spread of biochemical viruses is extremely fast. For this reason, it takes less than a day from the outbreak of the biochemical crisis to the evacuation of the citizens of the steel city. Therefore, all kinds of materials in the city are still sufficient, and even most areas have no electricity. The automatic water supply system is still operating.

This time he found a high-end residential area, all of which were large apartments of more than 300 square meters, which can be said to be one of the rich areas of Gangcheng. After getting rid of some ordinary zombies in the way, Richemont walked into an empty house, locked the door, leaned back against the door, and let out a long sigh of relief. Outside the door, it was still the world of killing, and inside the door, it was his own home at this time.

Although he was faintly excited and looking forward to this world of killing, he was still a teenager after all. When he settled down, he still had a strange feeling about what happened. It's not timidity and fear, but the kind of dreamlike illusion. Sometimes, he himself would be surprised, why he would be indifferent to this hellish world, without any rejection, as if he was born into this world of killing...

After a short break, Richemont first found some milk sausages, etc., and ate a mess. Then he found the large double bathtub in this apartment, filled it with hot water, and immediately took it off and jumped in with a "puff" .

The moment he jumped into the bathtub, he couldn't help letting out a comfortable moan. The hot bath after the life and death struggle is really the only magic weapon to eliminate fatigue.

The owner of this apartment is obviously also a person who can enjoy. The bathtub is full of various shower gels, essential oils and so on. At this time, they are all cheap for Richemont. He was smeared in a mess, and washed his body white and fragrant. After that, I changed a tank of hot water, and then I lay comfortably in the water, half-squinting, enjoying the rare tranquility.

For a moment in a trance, he seemed to have returned to a certain afternoon when he was going to school, lying on the bed by himself, taking a nap in the sun...

"Bah!" Suddenly, a crisp gunshot came from a distance, breaking the tranquil moment, and Richemont jumped up from the bathtub, listening intently.

"Da da da..." Another series of gunshots came, making the city that had been silent for a long time suddenly a little angry, while the zombies wandering below roared in a mess, slowly moving in the direction where the gunshots came from. Away.

Richemont smiled slightly and said to himself: "The gun is here..."