Chapter 29: Fleet

This can be said to be a side-to-side slaughter. This is a human convoy with forty or fifty vehicles. There are almost three hundred people, but there are only fifty or sixty zombies in front of you. Although they are running fast, they are far away. The team is still far away.

Dozens of bullets from the guns in the convoy poured towards the zombies as if they didn't need money. At the same time, several grenades were thrown at the zombies from time to time, but they fell and exploded far away from the zombies.

Finally, when the last zombie was also torn to pieces by bullets, there was a burst of ecstatic cheers in the convoy, and Richemont could hear it far away.

Seeing this scene, Richemont shook his head disapprovingly. In his opinion, the fighting method of the people in the convoy was simply a waste of bullets. Judging from the intensity of the gunfire, several hundred bullets were fired just now, plus seven or eight grenades, but only a few dozen were resolved. The head of the zombies is totally outweigh the gain.

If you really encounter a larger group of zombies, it is estimated that the people on this team will have to finish playing.

What's more, in this group of zombies, there is not even a mutant zombie...

However, despite scorning the opponent's combat effectiveness, Richemont still went to the convoy. After all, he has been in the ruins of the steel city for so many days and has not been in contact with people outside. He has no idea what point he has reached outside. This team seems to be a good opportunity.

In a short while, Richemont's motorcycle had arrived at a distance of 50 meters from the convoy. He immediately heard a loud shout: "Stop! Who? We will shoot if we don't stop!" A series of pulls followed. The sound of the gun being loaded.

The corner of Richemont's mouth curled, Yiyan stopped, and shouted in the direction of the convoy: "The fugitives who passed by, hope to join you and get shelter."

After shouting this sentence, the sound of footsteps gradually sounded, and a middle-aged man in a police uniform walked over slowly, holding a pistol.

Seeing that there was only one person in Richemont, the middle-aged policeman obviously relaxed. He looked at Richemont twice, then looked towards Richemont's path, and said to Richemont, "Come with me. ."

Richemont followed the policeman on his motorcycle and came into the convoy. Only then did he discover that a dozen people in the convoy were holding guns at him. These people were old and young, but they were all wearing police clothes. The uniforms seem to have been police officers.

"Where are you from?" The middle-aged policeman, obviously leading, asked towards Richemont.

"I escaped from Steel City. There were a dozen of us, but now I am the only one left..." Richemont said blankly.

"Team Wang, the origin of this kid is unknown, I don't think we can keep him." said a middle-aged fat man wearing glasses next to him.

"That's right, Team Wang, we can't accept any more people. Originally, our food is only that little. If we open our mouths more, how can we survive." Another young policeman with a stubborn head said, and at the same time looked maliciously. Richemont's shriveled backpack. When he looked at Richemont's Harley locomotive, there was a flash of greed...

The words of these two immediately provoked the words of the other seven or eight people next to him, all rushing to persuade the middle-aged policeman to drive away Richemont, and at the same time some people began to yell at Richemont.

The middle-aged policeman, known as the King Team, frowned and said, "Qi Changhai, Li Ren, let's not take him in, let him go to the wilderness to die? You forgot what you did? The police are not in the people. To rescue people in times of crisis, is this still called the police?"

After this, the few people headed by glasses and Bancun couldn't help showing disgust. I don't know who it was and mumbled softly: "Police, police, even the government has ran away, and they are still investigating."

Although the voice was small, it made the people around him heard clearly. The king team immediately glared and shouted towards the surrounding: "Who said it!? Stand up!" The fat glasses and other Qi outsiders The eight police officers also looked unhappy and scanned the crowd. Obviously, these people and the king team are united.

Seeing that the situation was going to be frozen, the fat glasses immediately came out and said, "They are all my own brothers, but don't make trouble because of an outsider, Wang team, since you want to take him in so much, the brothers have nothing to say, but I can say Okay, let him take care of his ration."

After speaking, the fat glasses waved, and took the other seven or eight people away. Na Cuntou snorted in his nose and said to Richemont: "Boy, it's better to be honest!" Then he turned and left.

When they left, the king team said apologetically to Richemont: "My name is Wang Guoqing, and my little brother can call me Lao Wang. I'm sorry, I can't tell you the truth. We are actually the police in Qining City. After the crisis broke out, we fled. Originally, there were only a dozen of us and two police buses. Later, we continued to take in refugees on the road, and we had the current scale. However, because of our limited supplies, Lao Qi and Xiao Li were afraid I didn't take care of it, so I said those things, so don't take it to heart."

"Since you have come to our team, you will be your own person from now on. Anyway, you must remember that you are not allowed to do things that endanger the safety of other people. Otherwise, you will be ejected from the team and killed directly." Wang Guoqing said sternly. After that, he returned to his gentle expression, smiled kindly at Richemont, and said: "We are going to spend the night here tonight, and we will continue our journey to Zeyang City tomorrow. If you want to rest, there is still room on that bus. ." He pointed to a bus.

Richemont also smiled slightly, clasped his fist and said, "Thank you Uncle Wang, otherwise, I guess I might be gnawed by zombies tonight."

This is obviously not the first time for Wang Guoqing to take in others. After talking briefly with Richemont, he hurriedly walked away with a few policemen around him and began to patrol the periphery of the convoy.

Richemont did not choose to enter the bus, but pushed the motorcycle to a corner of the open space, spread a blanket, and lay on it.

Only then did he have the opportunity to observe the situation in the team. I saw that the vehicles in this convoy included buses, private cars, trucks, and so on. There were all kinds of vehicles. The composition of the staff varied from children to the elderly, from workers to white-collar workers. These people are chatting, or in a daze, or eating, and their expressions are all with a hint of hope in worry at this time.

They also know that Zeyang City is about to arrive, and a fortress guarded by the army represents a stable life and a peaceful sleep...

The arrival of Richemont did not arouse anyone's surprise, obviously they have also become accustomed to the newcomers.

On both sides of the convoy, on the roof of the police bus, two huge searchlights are shooting dazzling light into the darkness on both sides, illuminating the vicinity brightly. This made Richemont nod his head slightly.

It should be understood that the density of zombies in the wilderness is much smaller than in the cities. Instead of turning off all the lights because of fear of attracting zombies, it is better to just light up the surrounding area and shoot and kill the incoming zombies in the first time.

You know, if a zombie gets into the convoy in the dark, it will definitely be a disaster.

Now Richemont has basically figured out that the main guarding force of this convoy is the more than 20 police officers with guns, and these people seem to have been divided into one headed by Qi Changhai and Li Ren because of their different ideas. Bo, and a faction headed by Wang Guoqing and others.

Judging from the attitude of the two towards the victims, it is obvious that Qi Changhai is a jerk, while Wang Guoqing is a completely good old man...

Judging from today's tit-for-tat scene, this team seems to be quite powerful, but the inside is actually about to fall apart...

In a short while, with the exception of a few people on the periphery, everyone in the entire convoy fell asleep. From time to time, there were snoring sounds, which made Richemont feel a burst of fatigue. He hasn't felt this kind of "popularity" for a long time.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard a slight sound of footsteps, Richemont frowned, his eyes narrowed and followed the sound, only to see a figure with a bowed waist and a board-inch comb. Holding a revolver, ran to a private car, then opened the door and got in...

If Richemont remembers correctly, there seems to be a pair of beautiful twin sisters in this car...