Chapter 33: An unforgettable scene of my life

"Bang bang bang..." A series of gunshots sounded, and Richemont's madbee automatic rifle kept pouring out a series of bullets, shooting towards those modified motorcycles.

In order to seek the protection of motorcycle armor, those people leaned all the motorcycles together, so they didn't need to aim at all, they just had to shoot at the opponent.

The Zhang brothers were confused by the violent explosion at first. They didn't know what Qi Changhai was doing. When Richemont shot suddenly, he was immediately beaten!

The so-called motorcycle armor is actually welded on pieces of thicker steel plates. This thing barely resists pistol bullets. In front of the powerful automatic rifle, it immediately becomes a thin piece of paper, which is instantly torn by the rotating bullet. opened!


"He has a rifle! Lying down, lying down!"

Their iron-clad helmets have become cotton-like. Just as Richemont fired half a bullet, three bandits were directly headshot!

And when the bullet of one magazine was finished, the seven or eight gangsters all fell on their motorcycles in all directions. There was no sound anymore, from beginning to end, there was not even a few screams. This powerful firepower, The bandit group with thick armor and strong mobility was destroyed!

The whole process took less than five seconds!

The policemen nearby were all dumbfounded, their mouths wide open and motionless, including Wang Guoqing, with their mouths open, they could put a fist in.

"Bang..." With a sound of a heavy object landing, something hit Wang Guoqing's head. He stretched out his hand and touched it and immediately took off a severed palm.

At the same time, the muffled sound of "Boom Boom" sounded again and again, and pieces of meat fell to the place where the convoy was. Qi Changhai and others, who had been blasted to pieces just now, returned to the ground...

The smoke and dust dissipated slightly, and Richemont's figure appeared. He had stood up at this time, with the automatic rifle in his hand on the roof of the car, and coldly scanned everyone in the convoy.

Those who met his gaze shuddered involuntarily. Many of the people in this convoy were very uncomfortable with Richemont before, and some even despised him as a single teenager. In the moment of fighting just now, these talents discovered that this inconspicuous young man was completely a demon!

The human skins and hairs that still fall from the air from time to time remind them not to provoke this seemingly harmless teenager!

A look has already shocked everyone present.

Richemont jumped down from the roof of the car, walked to the Gong sister's car without expression, opened the car door, and got in.

Seeing Richemont disappeared into the car, the rest of the team seemed to be relieved of the holding spell and started to get busy. Clean up the corpses, count the spoils, and repair the damaged parts of the vehicle, especially the windows. Everyone does things in an orderly manner, but few people speak, as if in this convoy, language has become a taboo, let alone no one. Dare to talk about Richemont.

Even Wang Guoqing and his policemen were silent, quietly cleaning up the things left by the Zhang brothers.

Richemont entered the Gongjia sister's car, just closed the door, and finally couldn't hold back the weakness of the body, and instantly fell into Gong Ling's arms, which could not help causing the Gongjia sisters to exclaim.

Although they did not go out to join the battle just now, they have been watching everything happening outside with the gun given by Richemont. Originally, when Qi Changhai's people were about to kill Richemont, Gong Ling and Gong Shuang were preparing to be behind. Ambushed Qi Changhai and the others, but what happened next made them unable to believe their eyes.

The man said "tweet" coolly, and then Qi Changhai and his group were blown to pieces! Immediately afterwards, he used a rifle that appeared out of thin air to kill all the bandits! The whole process is less than ten seconds!

When Richemont opened the door of the car, it can be said that although the Gong family sisters were a bit shy, they were more than happy and excited.

And when Richemont fell in Gong Ling's arms, their exclamation was even more unpretentious.

Richemont rested his head on a piece of softness, forced a smile, and then began to constantly take out all kinds of food from the storage space and began to devour it frantically.

This was the second time using finger cots, but he could clearly feel that it was much better than last time, and at least he could insist on walking into the sisters' car. Moreover, the dizziness and crazy hunger are much less than the first time.

Obviously, his body has undergone a new evolution after this period of fighting and tempering.

Richemont's eating like a wolf and tiger immediately surprised the Gong sisters again, but in these two days, this man has shocked them too much, so this time there was not much reaction. , But quietly waiting for Richemont to eat and drink wildly.

In their eyes, everything Richemont has done is just like fairy magic. With a wave of hands, they can take out all kinds of things out of thin air.

However, although their curiosity was extremely strong, they cleverly did not ask, this kind of thing is definitely the biggest secret of the man in front of them.

After almost half an hour, Richemont finally stopped eating, and the car was filled with various packaging bags. Richemont smiled embarrassedly and said: "I'm so sorry that I soiled your place."

"It doesn't matter, Mr. is able to come to us because of his trust in us. We are too happy to be too late." Gong Ling said with a smile, also using the honorific title for Richemont. The recognition of a strong man is really too important in these last days. Gong Shuang also nodded vigorously next to him, and his gaze at Richemont was full of reverence.

Richemont smiled slightly, sat up from Gong Ling's arms, and opened the car door. The reason why I went back to the place of the sisters of the palace family again was because I couldn't let other people see the weak things after I used the finger cots, and the space storage capacity of the finger cots could not be made public.

Now that I have regained my combat power, it is time to leave...

What surprised him was that on the ground outside the car door, there was a row of firearms neatly placed. Among them were rough-made muskets, high-simulation pistols, air rifles, and police revolvers.

And Wang Guoqing and others were standing not far away expectantly. Seeing Richemont come out, Wang Guoqing immediately said: "This brother, we don't know Taishan. I hope brothers don't mind. This is the spoils of this battle. , I'm here for you now..." At this time, those people who had despised Richemont wanted to slap a few big mouths. What is the meaning of a dog and look down upon others? This is a living example. Even Qi Changhai's group of people were blown into meat by the mysterious boy in front of them, and it was only a matter of minutes for them to destroy the convoy.

Richemont smiled slightly and said: "No, Uncle Wang, you can leave all these things, I have something to do, so I will leave first. By the way, in these last days, you are not the material of a leader. What will happen in the future? Regarding matters, discuss more with the sisters of the palace family." Wang Guoqing is a good person, and his shortcomings are also too benevolent, lacking the heart to kill and decisive, this is nothing in peacetime, but in these last days, it is fatal! I hope that the characters of the Gong family sisters can complement Wang Guoqing and let this team continue to exist...

Wang Guoqing nodded repeatedly, and wanted to say something, but Richemont had already started the motorcycle. He only heard the roar of the engine. Richemont's motorcycle rushed into the wilderness, then accelerated and turned into a red color. The flames went far away, leaving only a group of people who hadn't recovered.

Feeling the cool breeze coming, Richemont couldn't help but feel refreshed. He was really fed up with all kinds of human intrigues and deceit, and he was so disgusting by the Qi Changhai gang in the past two days that he was more tired than the heads of a hundred zombies.

It seems that he is still suitable for beating zombies... Riche muttered to himself, and then thought of the palace sisters. What he left for the Gong family sisters is enough, it can be said that he has done his best, and the rest depends on the good luck of the sisters...

Another reason for leaving this convoy early and heading towards Zeyang City alone is that Richemont had a bad premonition, as if something catastrophic was about to happen... Moreover, the communication on his wrist In the device map, two light spots representing energy bodies of the same origin, the light spot in Zeyang City did not move, while the other light spot is rapidly approaching Zeyang City...

What the heck is it... Richemont thought with confusion.

The Harley locomotive that Richemont rides is Harley's latest "Tomahawk Cyclone". It reaches a speed of 400 kilometers per hour. Although Richemont does not drive as fast as possible, it has a speed of two to three hundred kilometers per hour. It takes a while. , He is getting closer and closer to Zeyang City, and he can even see the dome of a distant skyscraper on the horizon.

However, he also found that the closer to the place where Zeyang City is, the more zombies that he encountered scattered towards Zeyang City, and there were also some fighting zombies while facing Zeyang City. Convoy approaching.

Moreover, in the direction of Zeyang City, there was a faint explosion sound, and even something on the ground would shake.

There is a faint smell of fishy sweetness in the air, which is exactly the smell of blood...

what's happening? The more you go to Zeyang City, the stronger the smell of blood in the air...

Finally, after a few more minutes, Richemont turned over a small hill in front of him, and looked over, just in time to get a panoramic view of Zeyang City and the surroundings.

Immediately, an unforgettable scene of his life appeared before his eyes!