
Hello everyone! Welcome to the intro of M.L a miraculous ladybug fanfic that will give you the ending we deserve. I've been a fan of this show since I was in middle school and I absolutely adore each character except some of them because come on ~_~. Nonetheless the characters will have changed a bit since they will be older and a bit more mature by now.

We will be seeing many characters start chasing each of their dreams since they will be graduating soon.

Anyways here's a little bit more about the fanfic:) I hope you all enjoy.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng

Adrian Agreste

Will be 18 in this fanfic!

This is how I picture her masked as ladybug at this age I will also do Adrian later and I will also do them without being masked.

This fanfic will deal with many mature content and real life situations that many of us had to go through.  I also want to start off that there will be a bit of sexual content in the future, yes these characters are 14 when we see them on the show but I have changed them to be 18 as well as gave them a different look. By all means sexual content won't come out anytime soon because this is a sweet romance fanfic for the miraculous ladybug fans and that won't happen for a long time because we all know Adrian could never admit to himself that he has genuine feelings for Marinette.

4 years later we will see the students grow to start becoming young adults and choose their career or what they would like to do in the future.

Please bare with me on updates and I hope this fanfic goes out to more of the miraculous ladybug fans so they can enjoy this story! By all means if you want please share this with friends or if you don't want to it's completely fine and I hope you enjoy and continue to read this fanfic in the future.