I will be taking a few days for a break.
2 days ago my abuela(grandma) got seriously hurt. In my eyes my grandma is my second mom, she raised me and taught me the things I know of today. I was in the living room working on the cover of "By the Moon and Sun" novel I'm currently writing when her sugar dropped and she stepped to the kitchen for some fresas con crema and unfortunately lost balance and slammed her head on the floor. I am currently very traumatized due to this since it was just her and I alone in the house and she was bleeding non stop. So I will be taking a small break, and if your wondering why I'm speaking about this is to bring awareness and for people to make sure to keep an eye on your elderly family members because this was completely unexpected and before anything my grandma is much better and is currently sleeping next to me as I type this:).
Thank you so much and I'm so happy that many of you read my stories:))