Chapter 3

"Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo~ Umikaze kimakase namimakase~"

I sung to myself. A smile on my face as I did so as I walked the streets of Loguetown.

Heading straight for the local marine branch.

A severed head gripped tightly in my left hand.

The head of a pirate just to be clear. I'm not some sociopath who'll behead people just for fun.

No, the only reason I removed his head from his body was because he was trying to kill me when I was attempting to bring him to the marine's to collect the bounty they placed on him.

Naturally I wasn't about to let myself be killed, and so a battle ensued and this is the result.

But at least now he's stopped struggling. Meaning I can collect the bounty on his head without him giving me any trouble in the slightest.

Get it.

Bounty on his head and I'm holding a head in my hands.

Sometimes I even crack myself up.

Ignoring the stares I was getting from people as I passed by them on the streets I arrived at the doors to the local marine branch without incident.

Once I did I headed straight inside and walked right up to the front desk. I then put the pirates severed head on the counter, the marine on doing looking at it immediately.

He then threw up right after he did so.

Thankfully he did it behind the desk and didn't get any on me.

Do you know how hard vomit is to get out of assassin's robes? No, well neither do I and I hope I never have to find out.

Once the marine stopped blowing chunks and was able to collect himself enough to have a conversation I reached into my pocket and took out the bounty poster of the pirates head I just placed on the counter and showed it to the marine.

"I'm here to collect payment for this bounty." I spoke.

The marine nodded at my words.

He then collected the pirates head as proof and ran off through a door situated directly behind him.

A few minutes later he returned without the head in his hands and instead had a briefcase instead. A briefcase full of money.

I should know since ever since I arrived in this world and became a bounty hunter to support myself three months ago the same process has happened over and over again whenever I come to collect a bounty from the marines.

Reaching me the marine handed me the briefcase. "You're money." He said.

"Thank you." I said. Taking the case.

I then set it down on the counter and opened it. After I did so I started counting it.

A ritual I do every time I receive bounty money from the marines ,since I will not allow myself to be short-changed by these guys.

I'm going to get every belly I'm owed.

When I was done counting my money and seeing that every single belly was accounted for I closed the briefcase and left the local marine branch.

I then headed straight for the port and boarded my ship.

(A/N: Imagine a medium-sized ship big enough for 12-15 people)

Which also doubles at my home.

Heading straight for the cabin, which is also my personal room, I entered and then sat on the bed.

The moment after I did so I pulled down my hood.

I then opened the briefcase and counted out some spending money for myself. Before storing the rest away in a secret compartment I made in the wall of my cabin.

That way if anyone boards my ship and attempts to steal from me when I am not around they won't find shit.

Though the last few people who tried ended up with missing fingers and toes afterwards.

I don't take kindly to people messing with what's mine.

Thankfully those idiots got the message after they saw the examples I left for them. But you can never be too careful. Since there is always one who doesn't get the message.

But when they appear they better hope I don't send them to Davy Jones Locker.

On that note I've already killed several times since arriving in the One Piece world, yet despite this I don't feel particularly bad about it. Sure, I had some lingering guilt when I first took a life but after taking a few more that guilt simply vanished.

I guess this must be another perk of me turning into Edward Kenway.

That or I was secretly a sociopath to begin with and ending up in One Piece just allowed my true self to emerge.

Though I'm betting it's the former and not the latter.

I hope.

Once I was sure everything was secure I went and grabbed myself some food and a bottle of good alcohol. 

I then went to sit on deck and began relaxing while I ate and drank. Watching ships sail to and from the port as I did so.

Since today my work is done.

Finishing up my food I continued to drink, until I finally fell asleep with a smile on my face.


Feeling something sharp touching my neck my eyes instantly shot open.

The moment they did so I noticed two things.

The first is that it is night.

The second is that a sword is being held to my neck by a girl.

Turning my gaze in her direction I saw she long blonde hair and hot-pink eyes. She also has some sort of pink birthmark under her right eye on the right side of her face. As for her age I'd put her at about 14 or 15.

A feral look in her eye the girl pressed the tip of the sword slightly deeper into my neck, drawing a bit of blood.

Yet as she did so I didn't flinch and instead noted her ragged and torn clothing. As well as the various cuts and bruises on her arms and legs.

Not to mention the remains of broken shackles on her wrists, as well as the stains of blood all across her body.

Taking all this into account I can tell two very important things about this girl.

She has been through hell and she'll do anything not to return there.

The only thing for me to do now is decide if I'm going to help her or not.

Since by pointing the sword in her hands at me she's courting death.

She just doesn't know it yet.