My face was pressed tightly against the window, as we drove down the streets of New York. It was a new experience for me. The houses were bigger and cuter. My eyes followed every tree and car that passed by until we got to the mall. It was huge. There were so many cars parked around.

"we're here, come on" Alessandro said as we all got out of the car. We walked into the mall and got so many stares from people. Some literally stopped and turned to look. Alessandro and Vincent didn't mind, I guessed they were used to it but Theo an Gio were clearly enjoying the attention as they flashed toothy grins and winked at the girls. I rolled my eyes.


"where're we headed first?" Vince asked looking at all of us.

"I need more Nutella" Gio whined earning an eye roll from all of us." You guys go along, we'll meet at the food court in 2 hours and don't do anything stupid. They both rolled their eyes and walked away.

I walked with my uncles to the first store to get clothes. I picked hoodies, jeans and cropped tops. Everything that I knew will make my mother mad if she sees me. She's more of the kind of person who doesn't mind sending me a finishing school in England and I'm the kind of person who will get expelled on my first day. She can be annoying, always nagging me about my lack of proper training, of how girls are supposed to wear dresses and skirts and not jeans and hoodies. We never got along so was I glad when she sent me here. A break from her annoying self.

I took my full cart and walked to the check out with Alessandro who paid for everything after much argument. We went to the Nike store next and I picked some new canvas shoes. Then we had to get my uniform, why? My new school is a private school. Lincoln High named after my Great grandfather who established it. Very funny. I would rather go to a public school than go there. The uniform was a white top over navy blue skirt with a red and navy blue tie, navy blue blazers and long white socks. Fortunately, on Fridays we could wear anything we wanted.

Alessandro finally decide we could go to the food court. My legs were aching and all the bags I was carrying was not helping. We dropped off everything in the car and headed to find the twins. I face palmed mentally when I saw gio stuffing his mouth with fries and a burger at the same time. I got MacDonald fries and burger.

"Sofia, what'd you get? What of school supplies?" Theo asked me.

I sighed "just clothes and shoes and my school uniform, I could order my supplies online" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"you look bored, I thought girls like shopping" I huffed and let out a small chuckle. "I hate shopping with my life"

"that's weird" Gio replied sticking chips into his already full mouth. I squeezed my face in disgust as food dropped out of his mouth when he spoke.

"you know you never told us about L.A" Alessandro started "your old school, friends and your mum" he hesitated at the last part.

I shrugged "it was cool I guess, my best friend is Mia, she's amazing, I hate sports and I guess mum was just…mum" they all stared at me unsure of what to say but it was obvious that I didn't want to talk about what went on back home. I excused myself to go to the bathroom to avoid further embarrassment.

The walk was long, not literarily but I was too lazy so I took slow steps. After using it, I came out and bumped into someone. I looked up to apologise and found myself staring into the hazel eyes of Ace Valentino. I was surprised because if I remember clearly, Alesssandro warned him not to set foot into the mall.

"hey Sofia?" he said in a deep voice. I realized I had not heard his voice before and it was soothing to hear.

"he…y" I stuttered. He gave me an amused look and it looked like he was about to smile but he stopped it immediately.

"it's nice to see you again" he said again. I smiled at him showing my teeth.

"nice to meet you too but I don't think Alesssandro would like to meet you here" I replied mischievously. He smiled and chuckled. I took the time to observe his face. Ace was handsome, his jaw and nose were cute.

"did you just say my nose is cute?" Ace asked suddenly. My face turned a bright crimson. I can't believe I just said that out loud. The most embarrassing moment of my life. "I think so too"

I smiled "I got to go, see you around" I and he held up the peace sign with his fingers. I walked back to the food court. All the food was gone due to how he sat clutching his stomach. Theo looked pissed about something and Vincent was trying to calm me down.

"what took you so long?" Alesssandro asked me. I turned to him startled. He was staring at me intently like he could read my soul and if he could I'll be dead. I gulped.

"I lost my way, I'm new here remember" he nodded and dropped it. I could have ratted Ace out and I'm pretty sure Alessandro would tear the entire mall down until they found him. Vince managed to stop Theo from punching Gio who said something in this lien "dude she doesn't even like you". We packed up our stuff and headed home. I felt queasy in my stomach and my mind kept drifting back to my meeting with Ace. I don't know, but I'm just curious about him.