He'd touched her. The bastard laid his hands on Sofia as if hitting my mother was not enough.  I stared at where he lay on the floor bloody and unconscious. Even after Edward had hit him out, I still gave him the beating of his life. I had never felt this angry before. They'd warned me. Stay away from Sofia not because I was a bad guy but because they wanted her to be safe, from me and those around me. One person had already paid that price and that was Adeline. The thought of her made me kick my dad right in the side. My mum gasped and rushed to where he lay.

"it's enough Ace" she pleaded, holding unto my dad like he was her life source.

"i don't understand" I yelled "why cant you just leave him? Why mum? He hits you all the time, calls you names and just treats you like a servant"

"i don't have a choice" she napped at me.