House Party, This is Simply Ridiculous!

"At my house!" Bruce suddenly raised his voice!

This was so ridiculous!

'I'm sitting at home and a party falls from the sky!'

'I don't want to go to the party, yet they still want me to attend.'

'What's going on?!'

'What exactly is the problem? Why am I being targeted? Could it be that they heard some strange news about me?'

'Or is the world going to end tomorrow, so they are planning to party their final day away?!'

'There is no reason for that.'

For a moment, even Bruce could not understand what these community workers were trying to do.

But as Bruce looked at their serious gazes, he gave it some serious thought.

'A party does not seem too bad.'

'And since they said that they were going to help organize the party, it wasn't impossible.'

'It would be more lively with more people.'

"Mr. Bruce, don't worry. We will definitely clean up after the party. Moreover, the attendees of today's party are all neighbors from the residential building. You can totally open your heart and play games with us."

"Okay, then you can start decorating."

Bruce still didn't understand what they were talking about, but who would turn down having a party at home!

Moreover, he had already earned points from this party matter.

This made Adam feel even more certain — this party was a very good idea.

This was when Aurora gave a look to the community workers behind her a meaningful look, as if to tell them, 'Doesn't Bruce look so very lonely? He needs our companionship and warmth!'

'This kind of activity will definitely help Bruce regain positive outlook on life!'

"Well then, Mr. Bruce, we're coming in now."

A few moments later, Aurora began to introduce herself. "My name is Molly Graham, but a name like this is a little too hard to remember. You can call me Aurora. We'll come by more frequently in the future to hang out with you."

As she spoke, the community workers behind her trailed in.

They were prepared to tidy up the house.

When they entered, they saw that the house was sparkly clean. Trash? There was not even a speck of dust.

Moreover, there was an earthquake yesterday. Many community workers had not even cleaned up their own homes, yet Bruce's house was so clean, it was as if nothing ever happened.

They were shocked to the core.

'If he really is someone who has lost all hope in life, can he really clean up so well?!'

'Could it be that Aurora's previous thoughts were all wrong??'

'Impossible. Aurora can never be wrong.'

'It must be because he is obsessed with cleanliness. Therefore, even if he has lost all hope in life, he can still clean up well.'

This was something that anyone could have thought of.

'Only someone like Aurora, who has a positive outlook on life, would notice it.'

When the community workers thought of this, the adoration in their eyes towards Aurora grew.

At the same time, their thoughts of caring for Bruce became even firmer.

Even though they made all of this up in their heads.

But the their intense gazes made Bruce shiver unnaturally.

'What's going on?'

'Why do I feel like this isn't as simple as it seems? Could it be that they have some other motives?'

'If that's the case, I have to be careful.'

Bruce suddenly felt that something was wrong and analyzed it in his heart. 'But that's impossible. What kind of motive would make them so enthusiastic?!"

'Besides, they are the community workers. This has already been confirmed. Why would they do such a thing? Could there really be something going on?'

Bruce didn't continue to think about the matter, but he was still going to be cautious.

Just in case something happens.

Then he would be able to react.


There was no need to clean up, so the party preparation was unusually simple.

Then next thing would be preparing the snacks and cold dishes.

This was probably the typical trick in every community party, so a lot of people were now crowded in the kitchen.

This was also when Aurora decided the next step.

To provide Bruce a certain degree of psychological counseling.

Although she was currently working as a community worker, her university major was emotional and psychological trauma treatment, and other related topics.

In other words, if Aurora plans to stop working at the community center, she could totally become a psychiatrist.

"Mr. Bruce, can you tell me what kind of mood you're in right now?"

Aurora pulled Bruce aside and asked gently.

"Mood, normal, right? What kind of mood do I need to have to attend a party?!"

Bruce replied with a question.

This was because he had truly never experienced such a thing before. He even had to be asked what kind of emotions he was experiencing prior to attending a party.

Bruce's seemingly casual reply was interpreted differently by Aurora.

'What is he hiding? He still has hope in life. He is very happy to be able to attend such an event.'

'Bruce wants to interact with people, even if the they are a stranger!'

Aurora understood the meaning behind Bruce's words and said silently in her heart.

She then nodded, and smiled as she spoke, "I'll come see you often in the future. I hope that you won't give up on hope and life. If there's anything, you must tell me immediately. This is my phone number. You can save it. If there's anything, you can give me a call any time."

After saying that, she didn't wait for Bruce to react and proceeded to save her phone number on his phone.

Something was obviously off.

Bruce immediately opened the Eye of Truth to check. If it was before, he definitely wouldn't have given this much though, neither would he have opened the Eye of Truth so casually.

However, things were different now. Aurora was clearly having strange intentions. Even if she liked him, this was not the right way to like someone.

Her favorability rating for him was only 65 points.

If a normal person's favorability rating for him was lower than 60 points, that would mean that the person finds him annoying.

'Since she has a normal favorability rating for me..'

He reminds himself of this matter once again. In order to prevent things from moving towards a strange direction, Bruce stopped chatting with her.

It was finally the afternoon.

The neighbors who were invited to the party arrived one after another.

For some reason, they also gave Bruce a sympathetic look?!

'What was happening?!'

Although Bruce really wanted to know the reason, no one told him about it.

It was not until one o'clock in the morning.

Annie was back. After the two of them met and talked for a while about what happened today, he finally knew the reason.

Aurora had only told the neighbors about this matter.

In other words, all the neighbors knew that Bruce was unable to live life with hope. Especially with Aurora's recruitment, the neighbors had agreed to help him!

This was simply ridiculous!

"Impossible! Absolutely Impossible!"

"When did I lose hope in life?!"

"This is utter nonsense."

Bruce could not believe it. He wanted to immediately go and confront Aurora, but he was stopped by Annie.

Meanwhile —

A small spark in Bruce's bedroom was starting a flame without anyone noticing!