It's Very Important to You Too!

After the interview, Ron did not go home immediately. He did not know how to tell his colleagues what he had seen today. After all, everything was too surreal.

A peerless master!

He had unintentionally interviewed a peerless master today. At first, he had looked down on him, but now it seemed that he himself was the clown.

This interview was an opportunity to make a hit program, naturally, he wouldn't let it go easily.

This way, he could continue to work at the TV station rather than being a field reporter, which was embarrassing.

"Hm? What do you mean?!"

"Big news?"

"A peerless master who knows martial arts?"

Ron's former partner immediately burst into laughter. "HAHAHAHA! Ron, even if you want to return to the television station and work in the office, you still have to give a legitimate reason. Do you think such a thing will be convincing!?"

Hearing this, Ron's face immediately darkened.

"I'm warning you, Laura. I'm not joking at all. If you have this attitude when I bring you to the master's place later, I really won't be able to protect you."

Ron said in a low voice, "The master isn't the kind of person who likes to joke. He sent me flying a few meters away for saying something casual. If it weren't for the wall, I might have flown more than ten meters away!"

This was the furthest distance that Ron could think of. Ron was downplaying the situation, if he said more than ten meters, his coworkers would definitely not believe him even more.

What he wanted to do now was interview Master Bruce, not wasting his breath here with Laura.

Even though Laura was skilled at interviewing, her attitude was really making him consider conducting the exclusive interview himself.

They would definitely have nothing to say if he throws this interview in their face!

"Alright, that's enough!"

Laura held back her laughter and said, "I'm too lazy to argue with you. If you want to interview him, I have no objections. I know that you're in a hurry to return to the TV station, but you have to think clearly, our immediate superior will not be easily brushed aside. Moreover, you have to get the person to agree to this interview first."

Laura did not want to talk to Ron. After all, it would be better to talk more during the interview instead.

"You just wait!" Ron immediately walked to the side and called Bruce.

After some hold music was played.


Bruce picked up the phone. He was still a little confused as to who this was!

It was almost night, why was this person calling.

But in the next second, he knew.

"Master Bruce, Hello, I'm Ron from today's television interview. I'm very sorry to disturb you at this time, but this matter is very important to me, and very important to you, too!"

After saying that, Ron stopped talking. He did not want to upset Bruce by talking too fast.

After all, in his opinion, the master's mood was very strange.

From his dislike of going out, he knew that he must be indifferent to everything in the world, that's why he chose to cultivate at home. Staying at home must be a part of his cultivation.

Besides that, his temper wasn't very good. Ron had no idea what kind of words would spoil the master's mood.

After hearing what Ron had to say, Bruce still didn't understand why Ron was calling.

His opinion of Ron was very simple — annoying.

Naturally, he didn't want to say anything more. "Can you finish your sentence in one go, or else I'll hang up the phone!"

"Yes, yes, yes. I saw your skills today, then I immediately went back to the TV station. I'm with my colleagues at the moment, and I hope that you can accept an exclusive interview with me. To be honest, I used to be an official staff member of the TV station. I'm a field reporter now because of certain things, and this interview is also an opportunity for me to go back, so please help me!"

Ron's words were very sincere, he didn't expect Bruce to say, "I'm not interested. I'm not leaving my house."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for overcoming F-rank house-leaving crisis. 1 point rewarded!"

"If it's inconvenient for you to come out, I hope that I can conduct the interview in your house. Please."

This did not interest Bruce at all. After all, he did not lack money or fame, so there was no need for him to accept this interview.

However, Bruce had another idea: if he became famous, he would have more opportunities to reject others, this was also a way to earn points.

So, fame would be a good thing?!

There were not many ways to earn points!

It was rare!

"Before that, I would like to ask where you will broadcast it and what kind of effect it will achieve."

It was better to clarify this matter. Otherwise, if it were to broadcast on a small local TV station, naturally, it would be pointless.

"Master, it's like this. We will first broadcast it locally. If the effect is good, we will carry out a nationwide promotion. Moreover, I believe that with master's current skills, everyone will know you in less than a month."

'In a month, everyone in the country will know me?!'

He gave it some thought.

Bruce was a little shocked. After all, this was beyond his expectations.

But this was the effect that he wanted.

"Okay, you guys may come."

After Bruce said that, he hung up the phone. Ron was so excited that he was about to cry. He immediately threw a peace sign.

"Laura, you are going to meet this master soon!"

"When the time comes, you'll know that I have said was already downplaying the master's skills."

Ron was very emotional. Laura looked at him as if he were a fool and said, "Anyway, remember, I can liaise with your boss. However, if the interview turns out bad, you know the consequences."

Ron had never thought about his boss's emotions this time.

He believed that no matter who it was, as long as they saw Bruce's ability with their own two eyes, they would definitely be blown away!



Aurora had obtained the information of the fire, including the many additional details. These details made the fire as interesting as a children's book. Not only does it raise the awareness of fire prevention, it also had a certain amount of ornamental value.

The main characters were the fire captain and Bruce.

The two played different roles in the fire, they allowed the readers to understand what they should do if there was a fire.

Especially Bruce, he was practically in every single chapter and the main character of the entire story.

Aurora did not hesitate, she immediately made this novel-like reading material into a standalone book.

In less than three days, the book would be distributed to various platforms.

Bruce had not been aware of it yet, but the reading material would be the very thing that turned him into a famous real-life hero overnight!