Déjà Vu

"Aurora! Don't go in. The building could collapse any moment. You'd better not go in!"

"Quick, somebody stop her! She will only be in danger if she enters. Right now, we aren't even sure if there are stairs or not, the elevator is surely unusable. Someone stop her!"

"Let Aurora go! As community workers, we have always been this responsible. Since none of you believe this, today, we'll show you how responsible we are!"

"Why? Bruce clearly doesn't want to come down. Why should we let our sweet and gentle Aurora risk her life? I don't get any of you!"

The surrounding residents were either speaking in regretful or agitated tones.

In reality, no one was willing to step over the police line.

They continued to dissuade her, but Aurora had already entered the building and was preparing to walk upstairs.

Naturally, Bruce noticed all of this.

Although he didn't understand why Aurora was doing this now, he was still a little impressed.

A girl with this kind of courage, doing this purely because she wants him to leave a building that is in danger.

'Would an ordinary community worker do this?'

'Only someone like Aurora would do such a thing.'

However, Bruce did not think too much about it.

Even if the president came over today, he still would not go out.

There was still value in this place, if he went out right now, it would be too much of a loss.

According to his plan, if he continued to stay in this house like this, he would become a local celebrity in less than three days.

Or the more commonly known term — an internet celebrity.

When the times comes, there would definitely be many people who would come looking for him. All he had to do was to reject them again and again, then he would be able to earn points easily!

Thinking about this matter made him very happy.

Half an hour later.

Aurora began to knock on the door.

"Bruce, open the door."

"Huff... Huff... Huff..."

Aurora was panting. Since the building had begun to tilt, coupled with the various effects caused by the earthquake, climbing the stairs became an extremely dangerous and difficult task.

Otherwise, with Aurora's well-trained physique, it definitely would not have taken her so long to climb up.

The moment Bruce opened the door, Aurora intended to pull him out. If not for Bruce's timely reaction, he might have been pulled out.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for overcoming the danger of an F-rank house-leaving crisis. 1 point rewarded!"

"I won't go out, at least not now. Stop wasting your energy."

Bruce pulled himself back, dragging Aurora in with him.

"You really can't live here anymore. If you stay here, the other neighbors won't be able to apply for the government's accommodation. In that case, we'll need to spend a huge amount of money to maintain a normal life for the time being. This is definitely a fatal blow to them..."

Aurora explained anxiously.

This was the truth, because it was Aurora who had allied with the residents this time, and the matter had been blown up. The government was ordering the developers to pay for the residents' temporary accommodation.

If Bruce didn't intend to go now, the developers would definitely end up not pay attention to these residents.

However, in Bruce's opinion, this had nothing to do with him. 

Although he now knew the reason for the matter, he was not obliged to do so.

He should be free to do whatever he wants.

This was not a team play, yet they had to work together.

Bruce could not understand this.

"Even so, I still can not go out. You can continue persuading me. When the time is up, I will go out by myself."

'When the time is up?'

Aurora looked at Bruce in confusion. Her eyes were filled with disbelief, what was he planning to do?

'He still would not be leaving?!'

'If now was not the time to leave, then when would be the time to leave?'

"Then tell me, how much longer will you wait? Till the afternoon? Or night? Or tomorrow morning?"

Time and tide wait for no man, Aurora was thinking for the sake of the others, she did not want this matter to be put on hold.

Bruce looked at Aurora's gaze.

After a moment of silence, he said, "At least a week's time, anything lesser than that won't do."

Aurora was going to say something.

But when she met Bruce's serious gaze, she sighed deeply and began to walk towards the kitchen.


"A week's time... I think it should be fine. Then I'll wait with you in the house. I'll cook for you, do look forward to it."

Aurora was prepared for this, since he didn't want to leave, she would wait here and until he does.

She believed that if she made him feel awkward enough, he might be able to move out in less than a week.

Aurora had many ways to make Bruce change his mind. For example, cooking right now was a very necessary thing.

"Whatever, make yourself at home."

This was a good thing, Bruce was more than fine with it.

Someone was cooking for him, why not?

Actually, he was about to level up. Since he could only change his residence when he reached Level 4, he planned to wait it out.

This would take about two more days.

As for why he wouldn't be changing his residence until a week later, it was because he had to prepare everything and choose a sturdy building.

Moreover, he had a premonition that if he refused to go out, there would definitely be many people who would visit because of his reputation, then he would get more points.

The police and neighbors had waited for three hours, they started to fossilize.

"It's been three hours? Why haven't they come down yet?!"

"Could it be that Bruce is actually a pervert?!! Aurora is in danger!"

"What are you talking about? They probably have their thinking caps on to figure something out. Otherwise, why would they take such a long time?"

"Let's just wait."

The neighbors left after a while.

The police couldn't wait any longer and reported the matter to the police station.

For a moment, there was no one near the police line.

Time flew by quickly, it was already afternoon. Aurora had prepared a meal.

The familiarity of the scene made Bruce feel a sense of déjà vu.

The sun was setting outside, it was blinding, and it felt familiar.

He recalls a similar scene from yesterday.

'Could it be?!'

'Something indescribable was going to happen after the meal, again?'

'On the bed, doing the deed?!'

Bruce shook his head slightly when he thought of this. He realized that all of the women who had entered this apartment wanted to cook for him, it just occurred to him that this was not a simple matter.

"Eat. After you finish eating, you will be so happy that you will want to dance!"

Aurora placed her hands on her hips and said proudly.

For Aurora, if she wanted to change a person's mind, cooking for them was the easiest and most effective way. This was an family secret that her grandmother did passed on to her..


Once again, Bruce felt a sense of déjà vu, but then he began to feast!