Record Every Single Detail

A strong breeze was blowing and a sandstorm took place.

Thanks to the tornado, the sky was dyed yellow as the sand roamed the air.

The only sign of hope for this place was the single ray of sunshine passing through which indirectly felt like there won't be a tomorrow.

Even a pebble could smash the walls down when the tornado hit.

On the other hand, hlarger rocks were hitting like meteorites, destroying everything they touch.



It sounded like the end of the world as the tornado passed by.

There was no mercy. Wherever the tornado hit, no living thing could survive — not even a small patch of grass.

At that moment, Bruce was hiding in the bathroom with Aurora.

The four walls of the apartment were still up which meant that when the tornado hits this place, even with a destructive force, it would still need to go through two layers before it could reach Bruce's bathroom.

Therefore, he did not panic at all.

Boom Boom Boom!

The rhythm of the rocks smashing through became faster and denser. It was like a machine gun, destroying the building that Bruce was in without stopping.

However, the buidling that was already tilted became even more dangerous.

"Bruce, are you sure that we will be okay?!" Aurora shouted loudly as it was hard to hear.

They were in the bathtub. Aurora was lying down, while Bruce was wrapped around her.

In this way, Aurora was protected both ways. It was as safe as being a hamburger patty.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay," Bruce smiled.


The walls could no longer bear it.

Bruce knew that one of the walls had been destroyed.

Now, the gravel would be able in contact with the bathroom walls

'I must hold on!' Bruce shouted in his heart.

Although he had Lion's Heart, he was still a little worried about the tornado that had already create a big hole in the wall.

The tornado was quick but to Bruce, it felt like forever.

Moreover, the tornado had not even reached the main building yet, and such a situation had already occurred. As of current, the danger was not at its greatest.

Boom Boom Boom!

Another three rocks flew through, and the outer wall behind the bathroom was also down.

Now, all the walls were gone, leaving the bathroom walls.

The danger was getting greater as they lost their first layer of protection.


A rock smashed into the wall of the bathroom.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The tornado followed.

"Hands on your head and stay down!" Bruce said as he knew that the strongest wave was coming, so he wanted Aurora to protect herself.

This wasn't the solution.

He quickly opened the points store. If he didn't use the points now, he probably wouldn't have the chance to use them in the future.

He browsed through it quickly.

He really did not expect that the tornado would be so powerful. Although he knew that the rocks existed, he also did not expect them to have such a terrifying force.

What could withstand the current situation?

'I got it!'

As he continued to swipe through the pages, Bruce finally saw the most effective solution.

"Air Barrier"

"An invisible barrier that automatically appears around the host with a range of 3 meters. The barrier would shatter if it was continuously being attacked for a certain period of time. Please note that it would take 10 seconds to regenerate from the shattering stage."

Oh no, it's not an Everlasting Barrier yet.

The amount of damage it could endure might not be very high for a beginner skill.

However, for 10 points, it was still quite good.

Now, it was the only skill that can be used.

This was it!

"The barrier has been automatically activated. It has entered standby mode. When it is about to break, a voice notification will appear."

After hearing what it said, Bruce saw a faint discernible glass-like wall in front of him.

"Now that we have a barrier, we should be able to get through the tornado."

Boom! Boom!

Just as Bruce was thinking about this, rocks had already smashed through the wall and was hitting the barrier.

"Ahhhhhh!" Aurora screamed loudly.

Bruce, on the other hand, was much calmer.

The barrier had been activated. All there's left to do is wait to see how long it could last.


At the same time —

At the Meteorological Research Institute —

"The damage rate of this tornado has already exceeded EF5."

"The floor in which the test subjects 01 and 02 are in is shaking violently. With a 30-degree incline, the tornado might blow down the building. I don't know how long the test subjects would last."


"The building cannot withstand the rocks and tornado. From the inspection, there are different sizes of damage in the building. The power of the tornado will continue to increase."


At this moment, the main camera was damaged. The scholars immediately activated other equipment to continue the inspection.

"The distance is relatively far, but the high-definition cameras could still work."

"Wait!" After saying this, the scholar's eyes widen.


'That's impossible!'

"Please explain what's going on."

The scholar stuttered, "The location of the subjects have been identified... They are in the bathroom. They are in the bathtub, hiding from the tornado. Subject 01 is protecting subject 02, and both of them still show vital signs. They— they are still holding on!"

"What?!" The senior expert was stunned.

'It's a tornado!'

'How would they get through the tornado like that?!'

'Is this a joke?!'

All of them thought that Bruce and Aurora had a more advanced safety plan, but now it seemed that they had no plan at all.

'Why are they doing this?!'

'What's the reason?!'

'Did they not have time to run away?'

'That didn't seem to be the case.'

"Continue monitoring. Are their lives in danger? Record every single detail."

After listening, the scholar nodded and didn't say anything else.

"There are still ten seconds left. The tornado is about to reach the building where the subjects are located at. The building will begin to experience impact."