The Legendary SCP Foundation Member!

Not bad, not bad at all!

Bruce looked at the skill and points and smiled in his heart!

Otaku level: 4 (20/20000, growth rate: 300/hour)

Points: 97

Strength: 29.3 (growth rate: 0.4/hour)

Agility: 29.3 (growth rate: 0.4/hour)

Constitution: 39.4 (growth rate: 0.8/hour)

Spirit: 29.3 (growth rate: 0.4/hour)

Skills: Eye of Truth (demigod, proficiency 70/10000), Breath-holding Mobility (intermediate, proficiency 30/10000), Recovery (intermediate, Proficiency 600/1000), Icy Flurry (intermediate, proficiency 700/1000), Lion's Heart - Max, Steel Armor (beginner, proficiency 90/100), Purification (beginner, proficiency 20/100), Dragon's Breath (beginner, first love 30/100), Phantom Steps (beginner, proficiency 60/100), Air Barrier (intermediate, proficiency 30/1000), Moon Walk - Max.

Free Time: 4 hours.

Bruce closed his eyes and looked at his stats interface. He was very satisfied.

Not only did his skills increase, but even his physical abilities had also become stronger.


Bruce nodded his head in satisfaction.

"Why are you so happy!"

"Vampires... they're all here. Are you not afraid at all?!"

Aurora still could not believe that a supernatural was actually right in front of her.

What made it even more unacceptable was that this vampire was so unbearable in front of Bruce. He was only slapped by Bruce's glowing hand before disappearing completely.

'Just what kind of power could do this?'

'It was simply too unbelievable!'

To be exact, it made Aurora feel a little scared, but it also gave her a greater sense of security.

It turned out that all this while, she was with a powerful being.

After seeing his magic the last time, she always thought of him as a magician. Now it seemed that it was not that simple anymore.

"What's the big deal."

"By the way, did you just say that I'm a vampire? !"

"I'm going to tell you today whether I'm a vampire or not!"

Bruce picked up Aurora and walked to the bedroom as he said that.



At the television station.

After experiencing the earthquake and tornado, the TV station did not allow everyone to enter. Although they did not suffer much damage.

At night, Ron could not wait any longer. He wanted to edit out the footages immediately.

He could have edited it at home, but his computer had been completely damaged in the earthquake. Plus, he had to avoid the tornado and delayed some time, so now he could only come to the TV station.

He never hesitates when it comes to something related to his future.

When he walked into the building.

The TV station's director and other head of department were waiting in the hall.

Their eyes were filled with fear.

"Ron, you're finally here!" Without waiting for Ron to speak, the TV station's director walked forward anxiously. His eyes were filled with fear, yet his tone of voice was filled with anticipation for Ron's arrival.

Ron sensed that something was wrong. He asked in puzzlement, "What's the matter?"

"The information of yesterday's interview is still in your hands, right? It hasn't been uploaded, right?!"

"It hasn't been edited, right? !"

The director's initial gentle tone changed, it became very anxious!

"No, but I was the one who will produce the editing. You don't have to worry about that, sir." Although Ron did not know what had happened to the director, he still rejected it immediately.

The director's eyes showed a hint of excitement when he heard that. He immediately said, "There's no need to edit it. Just hand it over to me!"

Seeing that the director was about to snatch it together with the others, Ron directly pushed them away. "If this interview is handed over to you, I won't have the means to return to the station."

The director held back and didn't make a move, the fear in his eyes grew. "I'll let you return to the station, effective immediately. So don't think about this video or this damn interview anymore, hurry up and hand it over. Otherwise, we'll all be finished."

The director couldn't help but tremble. He wasn't afraid of this edited information, but he was afraid of the people who edits the interview.

They would not have much patience for this matter. Although he had no clue on how this matter was investigated by them, if he did not hand it over now, the station would be completely replaced from tomorrow onwards.

And the result would be death!

That's right!

These people were the legendary members of the SCP Foundation.

And they were the Special Mobile Task Force hidden in densely populated cities -- Mobile Task Force Pi-1!

Also commonly known as City Slickers.

It was a special task force that specialized in investigating, sheltering, and cleaning up abnormal situations in densely populated cities.

At first, the director couldn't believe it either.

Because all of this was too surreal. In his opinion, all of this was a joke, but he didn't expect it to really happen!

Moreover, because Pi-1's ability was great When he received the call, it was already from the vice president.

In the phone call, he warned the director very seriously that if this matter was leaked, not only would he lose his job, but he would also call Pi-1 to deal with the aftermath.

In the vice president's words, for the sake of freedom and hope, for the sake of tomorrow, all of you might be sacrificed.

Hearing this, the director instantly broke out in cold sweat.

They weren't joking.

They WEREN'T joking!

If he didn't cooperate, this matter wouldn't be as simple as it seemed. Even though he didn't know how scary it was for Ron to do the interview, it didn't matter.

He just wanted to save lives. The contents exploded in the video weren't as important as life.

Moreover, he knew that Ron was a stubborn person, so he wouldn't hand over this video.

This was a huge headache for the director, so he had been waiting for Ron at the door, but he didn't expect that he would actually get to see him!

Naturally, Ron didn't understand what was going on, so he still couldn't believe it.

And at that moment.

A few men in black suits appeared behind Ron. They wore sunglasses and looked like agents, full of vigor.

"They're here! They're here!"

"It's too Late!"

"Hurry up and hand over the footage, don't hesitate anymore."

But before the director could finish speaking, a few of them pulled out their pistols and fired at them meticulously!

A few seconds later, some of them fell to the ground.

"Reporting, all personnel have been anesthetized and their belongings have been contained."

The man in black spoke into the earpiece after rummaging through Ron's body briefly.

Then, they left with the footages.

When Ron and the director woke up, they couldn't really remember anything...