You Must Be a Kind-hearted Person!

Bruce looked at him.

Lexus was more familiar with the place than him?

'Someone as undisciplined as Lexus actually gives me the feeling of a friend.'

Bruce did not want to overthink, he opened a can of beer and started drinking.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Bruce took a swig of beer and ate a mouthful of potato chips.

"We saw your interview, this is a very troublesome matter for the higher-ups."

"They decided to take you captive, so here we are."

"But you're really so unordinary, how do you have such strong abilities? Can you tell me about it?"

Lexus suddenly became serious as he looked at Bruce.

"It's nothing. You just have to remember that I'm an ordinary person and I don't want to be involved in anything, I just want to live my own life."

Bruce didn't continue speaking and continued to drink beer.

He vaguely understood one thing now.

That the interview had brought him danger, Bruce was starting to think that he should stop this kind of things in the future.

After all, the house-leaving crises were already dangerous enough, the appearance of organizations and uncertain factors made things worse.

'This can't go on.'

"If you were really that dangerous, you wouldn't have saved my brother during the fire. So I know that you must be a kind-hearted person."

"So, what do you need me to do?!"

Lexus said with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

Bruce finally understood why Lexus trusted him so much.

It turned out that the previous incident had involved more things.

And the thing was a good thing.

'Not bad, not bad at all.'

He really didn't expect such a casual thing to cause a new turn of events for SCP Foundation incident.

What was Bruce lacking the most right now?!

Needless to say, it was a house!

SCP Foundation was one of the richest organizations in the world, they definitely have many houses.

They probably have large and sturdy houses, too. Again, what Bruce lacked right now was a house!

Since there was a ready-made 'landlord', why not make use of it!

"I need a safe and sturdy house in the city center. Remember this, I can't leave my residence. If this can be done, we can continue our negotiations."

Bruce stated what he was looking for.

Lexus fell into deep thought.

He had to think, not because he was unwilling, but because he had to think of a place that was sturdy and undisturbed.

Lexus had already memorized the map of the entire city.

He even remembers his personal property in SCP Foundation clearly.

So he thought long and hard.

He finally decided on a spot.

"Okay, I'll liaise with the higher-ups. I'll bring someone and come look for you in a few days, is that okay?"

"Yes." Bruce didn't give it much thought and agreed.

Then, Lexus and the his people left.

They reached the bottom of the stairs and began to discuss the matter.

He gave Bruce a captivity rank — Keter-rank.

The ranking indicated that Bruce either required more resources to completely take him captive, or that he an abnormal existence is not reliable in captivity.


After hearing about Bruce's captivity rank, the people of SCP Foundation grew anxious. 

"Are you sure you want to give him such a captivity rank?!"

"If this is really the case, we will not just sit back and do nothing. We must take action!"

"It's difficult to take him captive with our power, should we contact..."

They continued discussing.

Lexus interrupted, "Did you guys misunderstand something? I've already mentioned that he has a Keter-rank, but that doesn't mean that we have to take him in. He's already stated his conditions, as long as we provide him with a house in the city center, he won't come out."

"Huh? Anything else?"

"The house should also include a swimming pool and gym. It would be best if there's a small garden."

"Ridiculous, this is simply ridiculous. How could we possibly provide him with a place like this, in the city center?!"

"We are SCP fund holders, not a senior citizen center. Why do we have to provide him with a house? How did you even negotiate with him?!"

"We are very disappointed with your performance, I'm starting to doubt if are you really fit to be a team leader."

All of the scientists a the SCP foundation's base looked arrogant.

To them, it was a shame to negotiate with the target.

Although there was a need for strange existences in this world, and they were all very dangerous, it was rare for the captive target to negotiate with them.

Now that Bruce had become a threat to the world, who knew what might happen in the end.

Lexus was still calm at a critical moment like this, it was a little hard to understand.

"Arrange a place for Bruce that he wants, don't disturb him, we'll build a good relationship with him. Lexus will temporarily leave the team and carry out this mission."

Another voice came from the microphone.

Not only Lexus, but the scientists were stunned too. No one needed to see this person's face to know that he was a member of the O5 Council.

That is — the highest in command in the SCP Foundation.

All of the O5 members' voices have been processed, so their voices were very recognizable.

The person who spoke was O5-13.


"Have you discussed this with the O5 Council?"

One scientist who felt a little incredulous asked.

"Are you questioning the decision?"13 asked in a cold voice.

Everyone broke out in cold sweat, no one dared to make a sound.

"Very well, execute it as soon as possible. Agent Lexus."

After 13 finished speaking, the other end of the phone went silent.

"Understood." Lexus said and hung up with a faint smile.

At the O5 Convention Center.

There were 14 electronic screens in the room, only numbers were displayed on the screens.

The so-called O5 members were nowhere to be seen.

Even as members of the O5 Council, they could not disband, in fear that the entire SCP would be paralyzed.

Therefore, they used this method.

"The matter has been arranged, but is the plan that you guys mentioned really effective?!"

13 spoke, a green circle appeared on his screen indicating that he was speaking and that his vital signs were normal.

Number 3's screen starting flashing in green, "The plan will definitely succeed. We should proceed with the next step of the plan. Those who agree will vote."

"Agree. " said Number 4.

"Agree." Number 9 chimed in.

"Agree... agree..."

After everyone expressed their agreement, number 1's screen flashed. "Then let's proceed with the plan."


Bruce was at home looking at the debris and trash on the ground, he was not in the mood to clean up.

It was useless to clean up, with every few steps that he took, rubble and debris fell from the walls and roof, it was pointless cleaning up.

Moreover, since he was going to move out soon, so there was no need to do so.

Bruce got a call from Lexus.

"Bruce, everything has been arranged. Do you want to walk over by yourself, or should we send you over together with your old house?"

Lexus's voice on the other end of the phone was very natural.

But to Bruce, it had another meaning.

'Together with my house?!'