Feng Clan

The Feng Family was a commoner born military clan of the Dong Dynasty, but due to its low origins was unable to rise until General Feng Chu assisted the founding Emperor of Liang Dynasty, Chang LeiJuan, in defeating and conquering the Dong Dynasty and successfully forming the Liang Dynasty.

When Chang LeiJuan was enthroned, looking at the Feng Family's merits he awarded General Feng Chu the position of Duke and Commander of North, a position that could be inherited by the Feng Clan for three generations without diminishing in status.

Feng Wei, the current General of the North and next in line to be Duke and Commander of the North was the grandson of the Founding Duke and Commander, Feng Chu, and the third generation to inherit the position.He is also the father of the baby who Ahxue had been born into. The host body's mother, Lian Meilin was a noble maiden from the aristocratic civil family that managed to survive through the civil unrest and her father was the current emperor's imperial tutor. The marriage of Feng Wei and Lin Meilin seemed an unlikely happy ending to many when they had first gotten married, with rumors spreading how a boorish general from the cold north could ever get together with a noble miss from the capital city. Even the families themselves were doubtful about the marriage but facts proved otherwise and contrary to everyone's expectations Feng Wei and Lian Meilin turned out to be match made in heaven. The cold and strict General of the North turned out to be a wife slave and Lian Meilin who everyone thought would like a civil official from the capital more turned out to prefer a military official from the North, who in her opinion is much more upright and brave.

Thus this unlikely match became extremely famous for being doting and loving towards one another and within the first year of marriage already had their first son, Feng YingHao and after four years had their second son, Feng MingJun but due to Lian Meilin having injured her body during the birth of Feng Mingjun the couple gave up having a third child.

After thirteen years of marriage Lian Meilin had unexpectedly gotten pregnant again but Feng Wei keeping in mind the state of Lian Meilin's body could not bring himself to be happy. He called all sorts of skilled physicians to look at Lian Meilin but they all gave the same advice that her body was too weak to have this child and if she did she or the baby could be in danger and one or both of them may die during the labor. The Physicians all said that she should have an abortion and Feng Wei although heartbroken also tried to get Lian Meilin to agree but Lian Meilin was stubborn and refused to get an abortion under any conditions and Feng Wei could only agree with her when she threatened that she would go back to her natal family to give birth if he tried get her to abort the baby.

Because of this everyone in the Duke's mansion was extremely careful around Lian Meilin and tried to keep her as happy and healthy as possible and it had worked and everyone thought that she was out of danger when the physicians said she was getting better and might be able to give birth without many complications.

Everyone had been relieved to hear the news but bad news always follows after good news and right before the new years festival the Northern Barbarians attacked the border and Feng Wei, along with the other male members of the Duke's family all had to go to war to fight against them. This lasted for two weeks until the first day of the first month after new years eve and then the news came back that the barbarians had been defeated and that all the men were returning back home from battle. When the news came the city which had been in despair all throughout the new years finally broke out into celebration over the coming home of their fathers, brothers, husbands, and son's. In happiness over her father in law, brother in law and husband's arrival, Lian Meilin joined her mother in law and sister in law in making preparations around the house. Lian Meilin was already eight months pregnant and although her mother in law and sister in law were hesitant in letting her move around so much, seeing her happiness and excitement they couldn't stop her.

This unfortunately ended in a disaster as while she was on her way to the kitchens from the main hall to check on the preparations, she slipped on the snow filled rock pathway due to ice hidden under it. Immediately after she screamed from the pain of falling, her water broke and she was in premature labor. This gave everyone in the mansion a scare. Her mother in law sent for the physicians and midwives who were living within the manor while escorting her into the inner room prepared for her, while her sister in law sent a message to the army camp so that the men would get the news when they arrived in the city, then went to make preparations for the labor.

Lian Meilin was in extreme pain from the labor but this time was different than when she had given birth to her other two children. It was much more painful and too early. She was scared, she feared for the baby who was already at such a disadvantage even before it was born. The midwives and maidservants surrounded her in the labor room making preparations. Her sister in law entered the room and sat beside her holding hand and encouraging her to push along with the midwife.

She kept trying but she was in a lot of pain and an endless amount of time seemed to have passed.

She could feel her vision blurring and her conscious being distorted. She had already been in labor for a few hours. Outside she could hear a rush of footsteps and servants greeting, " We greet the Duke, General, Lieutenant General."