[Bonus chapter]Ancient Life

Ahxue was quietly listening to everything happening around her. With her underdeveloped neck she could see the reaction of some of the people after they saw her. It was a very uncomfortable experience for her being the center of attention in these situations. Her identity as an assassin meant that she was always in the shadows, she was meant to stay hidden and not gather people's attention. So suddenly being surrounded and stared at by so many people was uncomfortable. Their gazes as though looking at some strange creatures didn't surprise her much. Her parents explained the reason for her strange features which eased the shock and expressions on the guests. Still she could hear the quiet whispers among themselves as they spread the word on her features around the hall.

She didn't really care what these strangers thought about her but she did worry about her parents and family's view of her. She didn't want them to dislike her or think of her as a monster so she was actually relieved and happy when her parents came to her defense and explained her situation to the guests. After that short period of awkward interaction the celebration returned to its earlier enjoyment although the guests continued to spread the word on her strange features no one was bold enough to be rude about the Feng family's only daughter especially in their own home at the expense of offending the Duke's family.

Besides the continuous gossip surrounding the family Ahxue's attention was drawn to the ancient traditional decorations, clothes and the atmosphere in this time. Ahxue was taught history, the art of war and historical politics in the organization but did not know much about its culture, so seeing so many unfamiliar things was interesting to her. Her small curious eyes roamed around the hall. It was hard to take a good look since she couldn't move her neck yet but what she saw with her limited movement included the bright red tapestries hung from the pillars and walls. The heavy cauldrons emitting heat and the festive clothing that the guests wore. Although it was winter the room inside was very warm so all the guests weren't dressed very thickly and she could see the care taken to make these ancient outfits.

Everything here was so different from what she knew and she admired the handcrafted decorations and objects in the hall.

"Uncle, aunt, when did you both arrive here? Had you told us that you would be coming, we could have come to get you. Recently the border towns haven't been peaceful. Was the journey okay?" Feng Wei asked.

"It was fine. We didn't mention anything because we rushed to be able to get here on time. Anyway it wasn't too bad but we passed by a small village that was completely empty. Your cousin sent a lot of guards to protect us and the young ones since he couldn't make it this time. Not to mention that the Emperor had sent the fourth prince here as well. We had traveled together two-third of the way before separating. His highness should be here soon,"Feng Shu said thoughtfully.

"The Fourth Prince? Why is the Fourth Prince coming here to the border all of a sudden? According to the rumors he is His Majesty's favorite prince since he is the youngest among his children. Is he here only for the celebration, brother in law?" The Duchess asked.

"I'm not sure. Everything was ordered at the last moment. The Emperor did order a large entourage to follow and protect him this time. We only coincidentally tagged along but weren't able to get much information." Feng Shu said seriously.

"Nevermind, we'll know what's happening once he arrives, so there's no use being anxious." Feng We said to his mother and uncle.

"Mother, take care of Lin'er for me. I'll take my uncle to find Father and brother." Feng Wei asked his mother.

"Don't worry. We'll take care of her. You should go." The Duchess ushered.

But before they could leave a baby's babbling could be heard coming from Ahxue. Ah xue reached out her hand towards her father and started whining. She wanted to go with her Father. Knowing that they were going to her grandfather, she had seen him with a group of men discussing in hushed voices. She would rather tag along with them to find out more about the outside situation than listen to pleasantries among the women.

"What's wrong, baobao?" Feng We reached to rub her soft cheek. His hand which had just touched her skin was held tightly by Ahxue. She could barely manage to grip around his big finger but held on tightly to make sure he couldn't leave without her. Feng Wei was surprised as to how strongly his little princess was gripping his finger. He didn't use any strength to separate as he was afraid of hurting her in the process.

"Do you want to come to father?" He questioned knowing he wasn't going to get an answer. But unexpectedly he thought he saw her nod, which sounds ridiculous, afterall how can such a young baby understand his words.

Still seeing her outstretched hand toward him his heart melted. A daughter really was the small padded jacket of parents unlike those stinky boys who only knew how to run around outside and go wild.

"How about letting her come with me, Lin'er?" Feng Wei questioned pleadingly. He also wanted to show off his daughter to his colleagues and friends.

Lian Meilin didn't know whether to cry or laugh at the father and daughters actions. Still she handed him over with a nod, "Alright, but be careful to not hurt her or drop her." She didn't worry too much after all her daughter was a quiet baby who didn't fuss unless she was really sick.

"Okay. Okay." Feng Wei nodded like a chicken pecking. Everyone smiled seeing the interaction between them. This was the Great General of the North who slaughtered barbarians and kept the border safe but at the moment looked comic, holding such a small baby in his arms and acting like a henpecked husband.

"Let's go. Sister in Law, please take care of Fang'er for me." His small uncle said the first part to him smiling and the latter to his mother.

"Okay, don't worry go, go!" The Duchess grabbed her younger sister in law by the hand while walking ahead to the banquet tables. Lian Meilin and Fu Yawen followed behind with some other madams, chatting happily.