The Prince

The Fourth Prince of the Liang dynasty, was named Chang Zixuan and was given the title of Qin Wang as soon as he was born which was an uncommon sight as only adult Princes had titles in normal circumstances. He is the youngest of the imperial princes but is a legitimate heir borne by the Empress and the full brother of the current Crown Prince, Chang Kaijian, the Eldest Prince. Both the Eldest and Fourth Prince were dearly loved by the Emperor and given significant titles at birth. The two princes were also somewhat related to Ahxue and the Feng Family as Lian Meilin and the Empress, Lian Feihua were paternal cousins, making the two princes Lian Meilin's nephews. 

"That's fine then. He should probably arrive soon. Mother probably already started making arrangements for the prince and his convoy's stay." Feng Wei stated.