There is an unknown story behind the name "Reverse doctor".Only Fahad knows the story.No one else.Even if someone else knows,he is not alive.Fahad looked the door with remote controller.He turns of the lights,leaned back in the rolling chair and lit a cigarette.
Nicholas set foot in Cairo at the age of 24.Ibni was the main drug dealer in Cairo at the time.First Nicolas began to working as a helping hand for Ibni,although Ibni did the risky work through Nicholas but he never made it clear to him what he deserved.Ibni was a cheater and cunning.On the other hand,Nicholas was devoted to his work.He did not have the attitude to deceive people.
Nicholas at a point began to hate ibni in his mind for his cheating attitude and for procrastinating money.
The thoughts of human mind are gradually expressed in his deeds and words.So it was with Nicholas.He started telling his colleagues about Ibni's money transport.
At one point,Ibni's notoriety spread in the ears of the workers.Ibni never noticed these in the slightest.Stealthily,the rebellion against Ibni continued in everyone's mind.
A large part of those, involved in drug trafficking were the city's small and big gangsters.All of them also carried(walked) in public places with loaded arms.Police also avoid them as much as possible.If you attack them in a hurry without special mission,you will have to lose your life.when one was shoot,it started raining like rain from the building around the road.However,encounters were carried out in these gangsters every few months in a row.Than all the members of the administration came with full force. Then for a while everything was cold,but after a few weeks the city is again filled with gangs like ants.So any of them could have knocked few bullets inside ibnys head if they wanted.But the loss would have been more for them.Drugs imports and supply would be cut off in the city. Because the buyers do not deal with anyone other than Ibni.Ibni is a trusted name even to these who send drugs to the city.They will not supply large sums of drugs to Cairo without Ibnu.So killing Ibni is nothing but nonsense(silliness). Ibni needed an alternative approach without killing and they got it.The idea was originally developed by Nicholas.He sat in a meeting with some of the most famous gangsters in the city.The plan is to seize Ibni's drugs by attacking Ibni's security when drugs enters the city after paying money transaction.
Nicholas knew very well which way drugs came from.But there was a risk in the work.Ibni's security is very tight and many people maybe injure in the shootings and the police may also land as a third party. However,the wise Nicholas explained the plan to everyone by resort cautions. Unannounced,the gangster gags started thinking of Nicholas as boss.
Then comes the desired day.Nicholas and his team detained 7 private cars and seized all the drugs. On that day his security gun guards had the final swindle with Ibni.They also went and joined Nicholas.Nicholas took about 12 million pounds of drugs hostage.But there was only one problem.No one will buy drugs from Nicholas. If they want to supply in the city,they will need that Ibni.
On the other hand,hearing the news about the cars being detailed with drugs,Ibni felt like having a heart attack.He will not be able to survive for loses so much money.Death is certain for his family.Finally Ibni had to go to Nicholas and fold his hands(beg). Smart Nicholas also seized the deal,Ibni will have to account(explain) to Nicholas for the amount of drugs that will enter the city. Nicholas and his team will take 80 percent of the dividends that would came after all the drugs will sold.the remaining 20 percent belongs to Ibni. Nicholas boys will in charge of security and transportation.Ibni's job will be make a deal.
There's no other way that day except to accept the agreement and curse negro Nicholas in his mind.
In this way,Nicholas suddenly beome the godfather of the gang.However,Nicholas paid everyones dues as promised.And if any of his team members were injured or killed while in the line of duty,Nicholas took full responsibility for his family.Hence,as a godfather he suddenly gained a lots of popularity.
Unemployed youths from alleys in the city begin to joining Nicholas team.At the same time,a 17 years old boy named Fahad was pulled by the current.
Fahad himself was as hardworking and honest as Nicholas.For this he soon became the object of Nicholas trust and Nicholas began to take him with him to different places.A total of 7 people always stayed with Nicholas as bodyguards.Fahad was one of them and Nicholas's favorite person.there was a reason for this,Fahad was the most skilled of those 7 people to-run(drive) a Ruger LCR.
Fahad gradually came to know the story of Ibni.When everyone was chatting in one place,many words came up in one word and two words.Fahad also knew Ibni.He used to go by himself and talk to Ibni.There was a reason for this.Ibni had a beautiful niece.Fahad wanted to find a way to get in touch with his niece by get along with Ibni.
Although Ibni had a happy smile on his face,Fahad had no idea that Ibni was so angry with Nicholas.Ibni sat down with a proposal to kill Nicholas while drinking beer at the club that day.If Fahad had gone and told Nicholas,Ibni would not have had any problem.Because Nicholas knows that Ibni will not hesitate to kill him if he gets the chance.But Nicholas also knows that Ibni will not be able to escape anywhere for killing him.Nicholas's people are buzzing all over the city.If Nicholas is killed,first of all Ibni's body will be cut into pieces and left in the desert.nicholas is a piece of the gangsters Heart.Receiving a sufficient amount of money on time,each member forgets for a while that they are committing a crime,they feel like they are working in Nicholas's office.Ibni is not that stupid enough to risk his life.
However Nicholas's confidence was a bit high.He thought that no one in his team would be betrayal to him.At least his bodyguards don't.
But if one million pounds is available at once,than who would wait for a salary of one thousand pounds a week.!!This is what Fahad thought that day.
However,the condition was that the murder should be carried out in such a way that it seemes like an accident.If anyone finds out that Nicholas was murder,than Nicholas people would find out exactly who did it.Then everyone would be trapped.Fahad gives no answer to Ibni.Just tilting his neck and gave a cold smile.
Nicholas was having a party with the ladies at the nightclub that night.At one point,Nicholas enters a luxurious room with two girls and locks the door from the inside.Bodyguards stand outside the door.Talking about going to the bathroom in an emergency,he moved away.He enters the bathroom,changes his dress and puts on a face mask.
Fahad completed the work very efficiently. Nicholas's car gearbox gets jammed.In this way,if the car is put in the upper gear,it can't go down anymore.Then he cuts the break wire of the car,installs multitrigger auto-ignition system in the accelerator.As a result,as soon the accelerator is pressed,the auto-ignition trigger is turned on and the car continues to accelerate.Which does not stop even if the legs are removed later.
When he finished his work and returned ,Fahad heard Ibni's call and looked back.
Ibni:Has it worked?
Fahad removes his mask and replies;mission complete.
The stupid driver of Nicholas got into the car with Nicholas and started pulled the car at high speed with such an arrogance.
Once that started,it never stopped.He and his driver were died in his luxury car after being crushed under a moving freight truck.The death of businessman Nicholas in accident was printed in large letters in the newspaper.
Ibni takes over Nicholas place again.Although not the heir of Nicholas estate,Ibni was the only heir to power.
Nicholas's death casts a shadow of mourning over the crime world.No one bothers about Ibni's previous bluff.
But the dogs tail is never straight.When Fahad went to ask for payment,Ibni did not pay him rather took out a video of that day and played it in front of him.In the video,Fahads face is covered with a mask than he came in front of Ibni opened the mask and spoke.Fahad find himself trapped in the middle of a sandwich.
Ibni started blackmailing Fahad.He offered to kill all those who had been unfaithful to Ibni that day.Fahad thinks immediately;is is easy to get in trouble with the gangsters by taking the risk!!!or it is easy to send a half aged ungrateful person upstairs(other world)!!
He got the answer immediately.
writer:Hasibul Islam Fahad
translator:me(current uploader)
**i am going to upload once in week after 2 ch. upload.
in month 4('cz i have to translate,as soon as its done i am going to upload)