A terrifying night passed(spent) in the deadly desert of Egypt.
Fahad's clothes,face and nose are dry with blood.He collects water and slowly becomes fresh.Quickly an idea comes to his head.Fahad took Ratul out of the room and put him in the quad seat.In order not to fell,Ratul was tied tightly with a rope.Then he entered the house again.Fahad untied the girl's hands,with one of the sharp rods they have,he quickly comes down.Even if the handcuffs are untied,it will take some time for the girl's legs and waist to be untied.By then Fahad will have gone a long way.Besides,he have a revolver,there is nothing to be afraid of.While taking(fetching) the water bottles from Ratul's car,Fahad leaked the police and Ratul's car wheels with the sharp headed rod.If no one comes to rescue the girl,she may have to use the body of her husband,then her brother-in-law and finally the old man's body as food to survive.Then slowly die in pain.Thinking about all this,Fahad filled the bottles with water and came to his quad.He puts a mask on Ratul's face and puts a mask on himself.So that the dust does not goes inside the stomach with breath.
Then Fahad made the last use the rod.He hit the flesy part of Ratul's leg with the rod,just a couple of inches below where he was shoot.Fahad is happy to see,it hits the right spot.Throwing the rod a little farther,he starts the quad sitting on the seat.Then according to the map,he hasty(speedly) drive through(over) the desert sand towards Nasser Lake.The light of the down has just begun to spread.The girl was watching the whole scene through the second floor's window.The green quad slowly moved away and getting smaller and smaller.Then at one point it disappears from the eyesights.The sun peeks(rise) around 6:30.although the average night temperature was 25 degrees fahrenheit,but it continues to rise as the sun rises.Although the first two hours of the journey were smooth,Fahad occasionally stopped the quad when the temperature reached 70 degrees fahrenhit.He does not having problems because of the locket.But he was worried about Ratul.He was repeatedly feeding(giving) water inside his mouth.So that not to die in dehydration.Fahad soaked a cloth and tied it on Ratul's forhead.After some times the cloth had to soaked by pouring bottled water.He also had to keep an eye that Ratul doesn't regain consciousness.
Fahad's sixth sense says that even if the quad is ruined,he could still reach Nasser Lake with Ratul in his head.He looked at the locket and increased his confidence.
They don't have to worry about dust because the wind doesn't blow in the opposite direction of the quad.However it took some time to reach.Even if he drive at a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour,it takes about 5 hours to get close to Nasser lake.The temperature was then about 100 degrees fahrenheit.Fahad stops the quad.Ratul's leg were swollen and blackened with blood calcic where he hit with a rod in the morning.
Yes,that's what he wanted.Fahad took out the knife and sharp(arrowheaded) a stick like a snake's tooth,leaving an half inch gap,fahad makes two hole in the middle of Ratul's swollen black area(space).It lookes as if a snake had bitten.Then Fahad tore a piece of a extra t-shirt he had brought with him and made it look like a flat rope.He tied tightly to the place where the bullet hit with the ripped part of the t-shirt,when people see it,they will understand that it has been tied up to prevent the snake's venom from spreading in the blood.If anyone sees the bullet's wound would inform the police.At least such a risk were avoided.
When he reached Lake Nasser,Fahad returned the rented quad.As soon as Ratul's dull body was taken down from the quad and placed on the road, people in the neighborhood ran and gathered around him.
Fahad had already rolled up Ratul's pants and opened(removed) the wound.People understoods everything on their own.Just asked "Where did you get the body?Is he alive or dead?"
Fahad replied, "Someone call an ambulance as soon as possible".
As soon as some local called an emergency ambulance,an ambulance arrived within five minutes with the siren sounds.
Everyone held Ratul and took him to the ambulance.Some wants to go along.But Fahad is reluctant to take.Showing various excuses,he left Lake Nasser with the ambulance.
On their way,Ratul regained consciousness.Excessive used of chloroform causes Ratul's brain to function(work) very slowly.Even then he could not remember anything.Fahad puts the dried food and water with him in Ratul's mouth and feeds him.Ratul did(has) not yet regained the strength or sense to eat with his own hands.
When the meal was over,Ratul had(has) to be knocked unconscious again behind the driver's eyes.
The driver stopped the car in front of a hospital in Aswan.Fahad tells the driver to go ahead to Cairo.When the driver refused to go to Cairo,Fahad handed the driver a large sum of money and said,
"Snakes bite are not too serious and poisonous snake did not bitten him.Didn't you see i feed him a little earlier!!Poor man was unconscious in the desert after being bitten by a snake.He was very tired of not getting water and food.No need to take him to the doctor.he have to take care at home.The driver did not go to verify Fahad's words.After receiving a large sum of money,he left for Cairo.
Fahad dismissed the ambulance driver with some more money before entering the Cairo city border.Then he took a taxi.instead of going straight home by taxi,he went in front of a music instrument shop.Like before,he brought a big trolley bag,fake hair and guitar and sat in the taxi.Orders him(driver) to go in front of a familiar bar.
Cairo's taxi driver.So far there have been thousands of misdeeds on(in) his taxi.He has seen everything from drug taking,murder,arms dealing to rape or illicit intercourse in the back seat.So this time he was not surprised to see a whole man packing in a trolley bag.Fahad took the gun out of his pocket and kept it in the next seat.He did it just to scare.He gets down in front of the bar and stands for a while with the trolley bag and guitar.As soon as the previous taxi gone from the eyesight,Fahad took a new taxi and left for his home.even so he get down a little away from home.
Then he dragged the trolley to the front of the multi-storey VIP building.Although the eyes of the CCTV camera cannot be blinded,it can be easily fooled.Fahad did not have work hard to enter the trolley bag inside his house.As soon as Fahad enters the house after opening the lock with fingerprints,first his eyes goes towards the tied Subata.Subata is sitting in the chair with her arms and legs tied up like a good girl.It is clear that she did not try to escape. Fahad opened the trolley bag in front of Subata and took out Ratul's dull body.
there are three rooms in Fahad's house.Fahad decides,he will keep ratul in one room.Lets get Ratul well for now.The most needed for this right now,is the cooperation of Subata's.Fahad decides not ask Ratul about the locket until he fully recovers.
But he does not trust Subata either.During the time of Nicholas,when gangs were plunder around,then rottweil dogs were used for spying,defense,arms detection and for even murders.They are very bad tempered.It was also very difficult to control.Once it bite something,it bites even while the last energy of the body is still remain.At that time,a type of remote control metal collar was used to tame these ferocious dogs.
It had the ability to temporarily unusable(disable) the body with modern fingerprint locks,spycam and electric shocks.If an outsider pulled this expensive collar from the dog's neck,he would immediately looted(fell) by electric shock.Buying and selling these collar in the market was completely prohibited.However,Fahad had collected several such collar to himself.He took out two collar from them and put one on Ratul's neck and one on Subata's neck.
What Subata or Ratul is saying or doing can be sensed through the harness, if they try to do something,they could be made unconscious by electric shock.
Fahad gives Subata a limitation on her movement and works.Doing anything outside of this would be considered as punishable offense.He made it clear.There will be no lake in eating and staying in this house for subata.For now,Subata's job will be to release Shafayat's mother from the hospital and bring her home and take care both of them get well soon.
writer:Hasibul Islam Fahad
translate:hibijibi(current uploader)