Chapter 7: Seamus' Story


Seamus walked behind the strange woman in silence. He was still not sure he had made the right decision and, if he admitted it to himself, he was a little annoyed at Amelia for pointing out how ill prepared he was for his journey. His departure had been a last minute decision. So not only did he not have the basics he needed to survive travelling, he also had no real plan of where he was going.

He knew he was nowhere near as prepared as he needed to be, but he did not need anyone pointing that out to him. And on top of it all, that boy, Ali, had lied to him about who he was, and now he was stuck traveling with him. It was definitely not how he would have planned to leave home. Still, he was happy to let people think he was heading towards the Wizard Isles. Maybe he would go there. Now he had shown he had magic in public it was not like he would be able to go home again.

By the time Amelia reached the copse of trees where she had left her pack, the last of the days light was almost gone and the air was getting decidedly chilly. Seamus was feeling more than a little tired and grumpy, and really annoyed that he had lost his home because he tried to help a boy who ended up being a liar.

'Put the baskets down there boys, then rummage around and see what wood you can find for a fire. Looks like it will be a might cold tonight.' Amelia busied herself with pulling what she needed for an evening meal out of the pack she had stowed behind a tree.

Sean and Ali put their basket down beside Amelia's and they both went into the copse to find wood before it got too dark to see. By the time they had finished, Amelia had started a small fire and set up a cooking billy. She cut up some of the vegetables from her basket into it, and poured a little water from a water skin she retrieved from her pack. She used the last of the water then handed it to Seamus.

'Just on the other side of the copse is a stream, we will be needing more water.'

Seamus stopped himself from asking why he had to do it, appreciating it might seem odd for him to expect others to do the menial work. Taking the water skin, he hurried back into the copse and quickly found the stream. By the time he headed back to the fire it was almost pitch black and he was grateful for the light to guide him.

'Thank you young man.' Amelia took the water skin, poured some in the pot, and drank some from the skin. She then passed it to Ali, who passed it back to him so they could all drink something after their walk.

'The evening meal should be a few minutes more. Why don't you make yourself comfortable?'

Seamus sat down beside Ali. It seemed his task had been to find a suitable log for a back rest, which Seamus appreciated as he leaned back and relaxed, letting some of the tension go from his shoulders. He took off his cap, placing it on the log beside him, then ran his hand through his unruly black hair. Closing his eyes while he warmed up and waited for dinner the rest of his grumpy mood disappeared. He was even feeling a little less grumpy with the boy Ali. After all, the boy had not actually asked for his help. It could not be easy being sold to work on a ship by your family.

He wondered what his family would be doing now. Had they returned to the Isle of Hand and left the search for him up to the soldiers? Or had they stayed in their house in Port Marden? Had they heard about him using magic? Were they disappointed? He had not realised he dozed off until he felt Ali's hand shaking him awake.

The stew of grains and vegetables Amelia had made was nourishing and surprisingly tasty as she had added some herbs from a pouch in her bag. Once they had eaten their fill she cleaned the billy out while Ali cleaned their plates. Amelia then started to brew a tea for them from a collection of herbs from yet another pouch she had stowed.

"It seems like she is well prepared," Seamus thought to himself.

'Now my boys, time for some planning before you both fall asleep.' She spoke as she threw some herbs into the boiling water, took the billy off the fire, and left the tea to steep.

'Let's start with you my young wizard. You are headed for the Wizard Isles to see if they will train you, are you not?' Amelia asked. Seamus nodded, as it seemed it was now his plan. 'So you have your family's permission in writing?'

Seamus sat up, no longer sleepy. 'No, what do you mean?'

'You do know they will not take a wizard to train without the family's permission, don't you? They do not want trouble, and so to prevent any misunderstandings they make sure the family agrees to training before they take a boy on.'

Seamus had not known that. Training to be a wizard was not something very much discussed in his family. He thought about how that changed what he was doing, and concluded it didn't. If the wizards would not take him then he would find someone else to teach him. Besides, he rather suspected that, given who he was, the wizards would welcome him with open arms.

'My family are of the old blood,' he told Amelia. 'To them a person able to wield magic is an abomination. They will have me quietened if I stay, and if I do not agree they will kill me. Surely the wizards will take pity on me and agree to train me without my parent's consent?' He felt like he was almost pleading with Amelia to believe him.

Amelia's face had gone very still and he could not read what she was thinking. 'You are old enough to have your marque?' she asked almost in a whisper. Seamus pulled up his sleeve and showed her the tattoo on the inside of his right wrist all the old blood received on their thirteenth birthday to show their family affiliations. In two years, when he turned eighteen, it would have been altered to show his affiliation to his betrothed's family. He heard Amelia's quick intake of breath as she gazed at the marque.

'You walk a dangerous path Seamus of the Hand.'

Seamus froze. How had she known? She could not only read first blood marques, she also knew who he was!

'I don't know what you are talking about. I am Sean,' Seamus blustered.