Chapter 59: Awe Need Your Help


Butterflies fluttered in Aliah's stomach, and her hands were damp. Aliah took a deep breath, pushing past her nerves, and looked Duke Damon in the eye.

'As you know, we come here on behalf of the king to discuss a grave danger all the people of Aria will face not long from now, and we request a meeting with you, and your advisors, at your earliest convenience.'

Aliah swore the duke's eyes were twinkling, as if he had known how much courage it had taken for the two of them to walk through the hall to face him. There appeared to be pride mingled there as well. As she studied him, Aliah realised this was a glimpse of what Seamus would look like as he grew older, so alike were he and his father.

'Ah, the impatience of youth.' The duke beamed at his court as if sharing a private joke with them. 'I will need to fully read the letters sent from your father, and discuss them with my advisors before there is any meeting. I will let you know when we can arrange such a discussion.'