Chapter 77: The Serpent


The serpent raised it's head slightly and swayed as it surveyed its prey.

'Nooo…' She groaned. 'It is not fair. I have nothing left. I cannot fight you.'

To her surprise, the serpent responded. 'Life is not fair. It sometimes asks more of us than we think we can give. But if something is worthwhile, the truly worthy will find they have a little more inside, if they just dig deep enough.'

The serpent reared up, standing a head taller than Aliah. 'You can end your quest here and the world will face its threat without the Wizard and the Warrior. Or you can find a way to defeat me.'

Once again, Aliah gulped in great lungs-full of air, while searching around for any way to evade or defeat the serpent. Whatever she did, it needed to be done quickly. Not only because time was running out, but also because she did not have the energy for a prolonged fight. She stared the serpent in the eyes and then, without giving anything away, she formulated a plan.