Chapter 86: Another Power Revealed


Seamus awoke when Liam began moving about their room. 'Sorry Seamus, it is early, go back to sleep.'

'Where are you going?' Seamus asked, feeling strangely awake and invigorated in spite of his nocturnal activities.

'I am going to early training,' Liam said into his shirt as he pulled it over his head.

'They start training this early? Wow, the soldiers here are really dedicated.' A blush crept up his cousin's neck. 'Oh, special lessons. Perhaps with a girl?' He laughed, and received the pillow from Liam's bed in his face as payment.

Liam left, and he had no sooner shut the door than it opened again admitting Walter, his face a picture of worry and concern.

'It is funny, Walter, but I do not need my newly discovered foresight to know what you have come to say. It is written all over your face.' Seamus sat forward, hugging his knees.

'And just what is it I am going to say?' Walter asked dourly.