Chapter 124: Diplomacy Dies


Just as the afternoon sun began to wane, Aliah glimpsed the outline of a large country house in the distance. It had taken far longer than anticipated to reach their destination. A fallen tree forced them to detour via a more coastal track, extending their journey, which not only lost them valuable time, but also made them tired and cranky.

Groaning with relief at the sight of Baron Tappit's house in the distance, she regretted not spending more time on a horse the last few moons. Every movement of her mount sent a jolt of agony through the tender flesh of her rear end.

A candle mark later, the sun was blocked completely as they rode up the tree lined driveway to the baron's manor. Aliah's daydream of a cool bath was rudely interrupted as a group of armed men challenged them, their stern faces not showing the smallest glimmer of welcome.

'Halt. Identify yourselves!' their leader ordered, sword at the ready should he not like the answer.