Jim Raybrook — 1984 Rainbow Crow

Most folks think crows are just a black noisy nuisance, but I’ve always liked ‘em. Maybe it’s because folks thought I was a pest, too, maybe because crows fly. They wouldn’t end up behind bars… at least not usually. They’re street smart. They’re survivors. The Indians knew. They respected crows. They thought just seeing a crow was lucky…. There must have been a lot fewer crows back then, because I wouldn’t say the Indians are famous for their luck… Maybe that’s another reason I like crows. I could use some luck.

Wolves are the same. Wild. Free. The book of Totems said that according to the Indians, the first creature ever to die on this earth was a wolf…. It’s just a story… but sometimes there’s more truth in the heart of a story than in all the statistics in the world.