Jim Greene, NY — 1985 Blood Money

That weekend, Jim drives to Greene Village. Greene is not a major tourism destination, nor a major transportation route. Still, lying between New York and the Catskills, it has roads leading to both. It’s a peaceful town with a lovely old historic central square, a pleasant day trip from the city and a nice place to linger en route to the mountains. Greene and the surrounding environs offer enough knick-knack and antique shoppes to provide Jim markets for his totems.

“I spent a summer near here when I was younger than you are now,” Ryan’s voice says, blowing warm against Jim’s face. “I was following a girl, but it didn’t last, never did with me.” The winds sigh in Jim’s ear.

“Still, every adventure adds a page to the book of your life. I can tell you all about this place, the truth behind the stories, and the stories behind the truth.