Neil San Francisco — 1985 Hot Breath/Cold Breath

“Autopsy report on Wang Lijun, Asian Male, 47.

The deceased was shot by over a dozen bullets, perforating lungs, legs and arms. Death was caused by a silver bullet which penetrated deceased’s heart.”

Neil sits in a folding chair behind a rough wood table, Huck on his shoulder. Jackson and his partner, awake for once, sit on the other side of the desk. Neil thinks of all the movies and TV shows he’s seen where someone is questioned in just such a room. Things never turned out well for the questioned.

Neil has always liked Jackson, but now, watching his large, red hands, Neil imagines his face, smashing back and forth between them. Surely, they wouldn’t really hit him, at least not in front of Huck. Neil knows Jackson has a soft spot for Huck.

“Where did you get the gun, Neil?” Jackson asks.

“I don’t know. It was in my hand when I awoke.”

“What attacked you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t know a lot, do ya little buddy?”