Chapter 11: Office Politics

Michael leaned back in the cab and watched as they passed Maggie walking down the street on her way to the subway.  He thought back on the day, smiling as he recalled her passionate argument on the virtues of patronizing local business.  She must have aced her litigation classes, he thought, shaking his head.

After Maggie left his office that morning to order lunch, he’d gotten busy returning calls and going over notes he had for tomorrow’s case, a former child actress who’d been caught shoplifting expensive silk lingerie at Bergdorf Goodman.  He figured he’d be in court most of the day, taking Hodges and Standifer with him.

In the back of the cab, he smiled to himself once again.  At least Ellen Standifer would be out of Maggie’s way for the day.  What was it about women?  He had never understood why women could never seem to get along with each other.