Chapter 17: Charity Event

On Monday, Michael was in court all day, but an envelope mysteriously appeared on Maggie’s desk at some point.  It held two invitations and a note from Michael. 

Here are the tickets, Mags.  It should be fun.  Glad you’re coming.  See you tomorrow.  M.

Maggie called Ben.  “You have to do me this favor.”

She’d called him right after the new phone was delivered and they’d talked for hours.  Ben had arrived home to find that Alex had moved out of their apartment.  He’d been devastated, and Maggie had listened compassionately as he told her everything they’d gone through over the last few weeks, the lies he’d caught Alex telling, the hang-ups on their landline when Ben answered the phone, the late nights and special projects Alex had been assigned lately. 

Maggie had tried to keep her opinion of Alex to herself but finally, she couldn’t resist, “At least now you can move forward.”

Now on the phone, Ben was unenthusiastic.  “What favor, Flynn?”