Chapter 20: Ride Back to the City

Michael and Maggie applauded with the rest of the guests following the finale of the fireworks display before returning to the table to collect Ben.  She shivered a bit as they walked. 

“Are you cold?” Michael asked, running a hand down her bare arm.  “You are!”  When they reached the table, he removed his suit coat from the back of the chair where he’d left it and draped it over her shoulders.  “Here, that should be better.”

Maggie pulled the coat around herself and as she did, his scent enveloped her.  “Thanks!  I didn’t realize how chilly it had gotten.”

Ben was conscious and blinking in confusion.  “Holy God, I thought we were being invaded,” he said.  “Where is everybody?”

Maggie laughed.  “Yes, we were invaded by aliens and they beamed up everyone except us.  Come on, it’s time to go.  We’ve dodged a bullet.  Michael has kindly offered for us to ride back to the city with him rather than taking the train.”