Chapter 29: “You think you’re pretty smart, don’t you?”

Maggie pushed the last cartload of books into the library.  In another hour and a half, she’d be on her way to meet Ben at the airport.  Five o’clock couldn’t come soon enough.  She was still feeling stressed out by the morning’s meeting.  It would be great to relax with Casey and the gang over the long weekend.  She thought about her small suitcase stowed in the corner of her office and smiled.  She didn’t even have to go home.

“You think you’re pretty smart, don’t you?”

Maggie whirled around to see John leaning against a table just inside the library.  Ellen closed the double doors and stood in front of them, arms crossed.  John had that intense look on his face she remembered from their last encounter in this room. 

She pulled herself as tall as she could, affecting confidence she didn’t feel.  “I just tried to be thorough, that’s all,” she answered, pushing past him to pick up more books.