Chapter 32: A Surprise

Maggie was happy to wake up in her own bed Monday morning.  She was also glad that Michael had insisted that she take the extra day.  Truthfully, she was tired, and she was sick of having to cover up so carefully.  She studied her neck in the bathroom mirror.  The bruises had faded from deep purple to a pale yellow-green.  Another couple of turtleneck days should do it. 

Maggie cleaned her immaculate kitchen, reorganized her shoes, and paid a few bills, but when she looked at the clock, only forty-five minutes had passed.  She sighed and sank onto the couch, clicking on the television.  A flip through the channels revealed talk-fests and game shows. 

I’m bored out of my mind.  Maybe I’ll just go in and check email and that kind of thing.  I probably won’t even see anyone.