Chapter 49: Cold Realization

Michael eased out of bed, pausing to slip into his jeans before he headed to the living room to refill their empty glasses.  “Be right back,” he said over his shoulder.

Maggie grinned and rolled onto her back, gazing up at the modern silver chandelier hanging over the bed.  Unbelievable.  After all this time…  Of course, he’s leaving tomorrow.  She grimaced slightly.  He’ll be in the Maldives for two weeks.  With Vivian.  She sighed deeply, wondering if she remembered exactly which one was Vivian.  They were all fairly interchangeable.  Stop analyzing it.  Just enjoy the moment.  We’re adults here. 

She could hear him putting ice in the glasses.  The cold clink of ice cubes was replaced by the ringing of the doorbell.  Frowning, she glanced at the bedside clock and saw that it was 11:30.  Then she heard voices.

“What are you doing here?” she heard Michael ask.  “It’s nearly midnight.”

“You called me, remember?” replied a female voice.