Chapter 67: Nice Day for a Wedding

Michael arrived fashionably late and found a place to stand behind the rows of white chairs trucked in for the occasion. With a seasoned eye, he scanned the friends and family gathered there, smiling when he spied her red hair shimmering in the sun.

She always sticks out in a crowd.

It was a sparkling June afternoon, the sky crystal blue.  The ceremony took place in front of a vintage red barn, field flowers surrounding the seating area that hosted about a hundred guests.  When the minister pronounced Rance and Jason married, the crowd clapped and cheered. 

Guests were invited to make their way to the reception tent while the wedding party posed for pictures.  “I gotta find the can,” Mike told Maggie and he left her standing by their seats.  Maggie watched as Rance and John smiled for the camera.

“You’re looking great, Mags.”

She whirled around to see Michael standing in the aisle beside her, grinning mischievously.  “Michael!” she exclaimed.  “How are you?”