Chapter 69: New Neighbor

On the red-eye to Los Angeles, Michael smiled as he thought about running into Maggie at the wedding.  When he’d approached her, she’d looked genuinely surprised. 

On the other hand, he’d been positive she would be there.  After all, Rance was her boss.  He tried to tell himself that his motivation in attending the wedding had been purely professional respect for the happy couple.  Another of those things I probably shouldn’t ponder too hard.

He sipped his bourbon and looked over his notes for the trial he was covering in LA.  Another celebrity had gone and gotten herself into trouble.  Pretty much a Michael Rannigan staple.  But his mind wandered. 

Mags…getting married.  Michael thought about the guy she’d introduced as her fiancé.  Doesn’t seem like her type, though.  The guy seems a little…  He sighed.  The guy seems like a douche bag.  He shook his head.  I’m happy if she’s happy.