Chapter 72: Meeting Beau Beaulieu

One problem, Michael realized, with traveling as much as he did, was that his body clock was often way off kilter.  He’d been back from the west coast for a couple of days, but on this particular night, he still found himself restless after midnight.  He considered seeing if one of his dates was available to come over but opted instead for a session on the treadmill down in the gym.

When he walked in and saw someone already working out at that late hour, he was surprised.  Then he realized it was his new neighbor.  Beau definitely looked annoyed that someone had ruined his solitude, but Michael left him to his business and started on the treadmill. 

He’d been hoping to meet Beau anyway.  Michael thought of the people who were often in the gym during regular hours.  Yeah, buddy, I don’t blame you.  I’d probably come down here in the middle of the night, too.