Chapter 77: I Was Just in the Neighborhood

Michael stood where the cab left him, on the sidewalk staring up at the brick arches of the NYU School of Law.  He always felt better here.  It felt like home.  In law school he’d been king, respected by peers and professors alike, had his pick of women.  His whole life had been before him here. 

He sighed as the drizzle began to come down heavier.  From there he walked the half block to the Blue Note and found a stool at the smaller bar, ordering yet another bourbon.  He wasn’t sure he was supposed to drink, given the circumstances, but he didn’t care anymore.

He stayed until the place closed at midnight and found himself jettisoned into the rainy night along with the handful of other lingerers.  The group scattered in their own directions.  Michael walked aimlessly, pulling up the lapels of his jacket in a vain attempt to keep the rain off himself.