Chapter 84: Drifting Thoughts

Throughout the following day, Maggie had trouble concentrating on her work.  Her thoughts kept drifting to Bobby.  She pictured his broad shoulders and tall frame, his wavy brown hair, the clear blue eyes with those long lashes…that heat-inspiring lopsided grin. 

He’s amazingly attractive in a masculine, blue-collar sort of way.  Which is weird, being that he lives in Michael’s building.  Anybody living there must have money.  He seems so laid-back and casual.  He said he’d only been there a few months, hadn’t even unpacked.  Where did he come from?  She thought about his slight drawl, the way he’d called her cher.  She felt her lips curl in a smile.  Bobby was…a very interesting development.

For whom I have absolutely no time.  She frowned.  Work is crazy, add to that playing nursemaid to Michael.  Not that she minded.  Not really.  He had no one else.  Of course, that was his own fault.  But when he’d shown up on her doorstep that night, she hadn’t been able to turn him away.