Chapter 91: Unexpected Romantic Dinner

Maggie stopped in the hallway, pausing to take a few deep breaths as she attempted to calm her pulse into something resembling normal.  She pasted on what she hoped was a relaxed smile and returned to Bobby in the living room. 

“Um, Michael apparently overextended himself today.  I think he’s down for the night.”

Bobby looked concerned.  “Do you want me to leave?  We can do this another time when he’s feeling better.”

“God, no!  The food’s already here,” Maggie exclaimed. 

Bobby smiled wryly. 

“Oh, shit, that came out all sorts of wrong.  I’m just flustered because dinner tonight was his idea.  I know he’s really grateful for your help.  So am I, come to that.” 

She smiled, genuinely this time.  “Let’s start again.  Welcome.”

Bobby grinned boyishly, his blue eyes sparkling.  “Thanks.  I’m happy to be here.”  He handed her a glass of white wine and took one himself. 

“Here you go, cher.”  He touched his glass to hers.  “Sante.”