Chapter 93: Confession

Bobby was waiting at the curb when Maggie arrived downstairs.  The doorman helped her into the passenger side of the black Range Rover, carefully closing the door as she buckled her seat belt. 

Maggie felt the warmth as she sank back into the black leather seat.  Note to self: If I ever get my own car, seat warmers are a must.  She smiled shyly at Bobby.

“Where to?” he asked, grinning.

“I live in the East Village.”  She told him the address and he keyed it into his GPS.

When a route popped up on the screen, he turned to her.  “Does that look about right?”

“That will get us there,” she answered.  Bobby pulled out into traffic.  Maggie glanced around the vehicle.  “It must be convenient to have your own transportation.  You’re lucky to have a parking space.”

“Yeah, when I knew the apartment came with a parking space, I decided to drive myself from Texas rather than fly.  It’s nice to have the freedom of my own wheels.”