Chapter 97: What a Real Hero Looks Like

Maggie watched in awe as the scene unfolded before her.  When the aircraft’s rotors slowed to a stop, Bobby and Natalie approached the helicopter, a cameraman and a still photographer trailing along behind them.  The door opened, and a man climbed out, turning to help a woman, a young girl, and a boy manage the gap between the doorway and the ground. 

Maggie couldn’t hear what was said but she watched as Natalie spoke to the adults and shook their hands.  Bobby then shook hands first with the man and then the woman and young girl before he dropped to one knee to shake hands with the boy.  Even from her vantage point, Maggie could see the look of disbelief on the boy’s face as he slowly reached out to take Bobby’s hand while his parents encouraged him.  Natalie gestured toward where Maggie was standing, and the group began to move in her direction.