Chapter 104: Making Plans

Bobby and Maggie were quiet on the elevator ride up to the twenty-first floor.  When the doors slid open, he took her hand, and they walked down the hallway, stopping at his door.  “Do you want to come in, cher?” he asked softly.

Maggie shook her head.  “You need to get ready for work,” she replied.  “I’ll go check on Michael and head home.  I’m a little tired, you know.”  She gave him an impish grin.

“Are you, now?” he smirked, touching his lips to her forehead.  “I do have to be at work in an hour.” 

He looked down at her.  “I was thinking, this bag of girly things in here?”  He held up the leather case.  She smiled and nodded.  “I thought maybe we could leave it here at my place.  That way, on the off-chance you maybe ended up spending the night sometime…” he raised his eyebrows innocently, “you’d have what you needed.”

Maggie tried but failed to suppress a smile.  “I think that sounds like a fabulous idea.”

“That settles it then,” Bobby murmured, his eyes on her lips.